10 Effective Home Remedies For Papules

Home Remedies For Papules

Papules are a kind of sin impairment which can appear as a swollen pimple on the surface of your skin. The papules are pimples which can make your skin look swollen, irritated and painful! In today’s hectic and fast paced life it s very important to care for your skin on regular basis to fight such issues. Due to extreme oiliness, dirt, pollution, poor diet and such conditions, the skin develops such impairments which can get painful and sore! If you are constantly suffering from papules due t you’re greasy and oily skin type, you must try the cool natural ingredients which can wok miracles and wonders on your skin! These natural ingredients are easily available n your home and get you cool skin without any side effects!

See These Natural Ingredients For Eliminating Papules And Making Your Skin Glow!

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is filled with amazing anti septic and anti bacterial properties which would fight papules in few applications making the skin glorious! This awesome ingredient is used in many ways with different ingredients to fight papules. Mix some honey and cinnamon powder and apply this on your pimple affected skin! Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse. This cool mask would get you cool results over skin issues for sure!


2. Baking Soda And Olive Oil

If you want a cool result with super cleansing properties and healing ingredients which can cleanse your skin and fight papules, go for this awesome mask. Baking soda is a natural cleanser which would deep cleans the oily and greasy kin while olive oil would nourish and fight the papules! Try this mask and get gorgeous skin back in no time!

Baking Soda And Olive Oil

3. Oranges Peel And Lemon Juice

Orange peel is one of the super glorious ingredients which would never fail to make your skin bright and smooth! Eliminating these issues like papules, acne, rough and dry skin, this awesome mask would get your skin adorable and flawless! Mix some orange peel powder and lemon juice and apply this natural cleanser on your face for fighting papules now!

Oranges Peel And Lemon Juice

4. Camphor Oil

Camphor oil is the best ingredient used for fighting papules and acne! You can use this super cool ingredient along with rose different ingredients for fighting the papules and making the skin super smooth! Camphor oil is filled with anti septic properties which would rejuvenate your skin while eliminating the skin impairment! Mix some camphor oil and lentil powder and apply this paste on your papules for cool results!

Camphor Oil

5. Azadirachta Indica

Nothing can work more effectively on the bacteria and infections like papules. If your skin is affected from papules and require some nourishment, neem leaves are the cool herb which would make your skin awesome! Crush the neem leaves and apply the paste on the papules. Also you can bath with neem water daily to prevent and fight papules!

Azadirachta Indica

6. Tea Tree Oil

This awesome oil filled with anti bacterial and anti septic healing properties, would never fail to get flawless results on your skin! This cool oil is nourishing and makes the skin bright and papules free! Apply tea tree oil on your papules and you would get visible difference on your skin soon! The papules would simply fade away with the use of this ingredient!

Tea Tree Oil

7. Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a smoothing and soothing ingredient which would get you strong relief in papules. Manuka honey is considered as a best anti septic for fighting papules and would never fail to get cool results! Apply manuka honey on the papule and get awesome results in just a few applications!

Manuka Honey

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a cool healing ingredient which would nourish and cleans your skin! If you skin is extremely oily, impure and greasy, you can apply apple cider vinegar o the skin and get wonderful results on papules!

Apple Cider Vinegar

9. Papayas

Surprising but true, this amazing ingredient can work miracles on the skin affected with papules! If your skin is affected with pimples acne of papules, you can try applying this cool fruit pulp on your skin and this would make your skin fight papules as never before! The enzymes and healing properties of this ingredient would surely make your skin rid from papules soon!


10. Corn Starch

Filled with awesome skin enriching and healing properties, this amazing kitchen ingredient would never fail to make your skin free from various impairments! Apply corn starch and water on your papules affected skin and let it work for 20 minutes. Try this cool remedy for several times a day and soon you would get some visible difference on your skin!

Corn Starch