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Matcha tea is known as super food. This tea is high quality powdered green tea, which is considered to be the best tea on Earth. In Japan, it is been taken with fan fair and is important part of the traditional tea ceremony from 900 years. Now-a –days it is been taken as health benefit tea. Matcha green tea is kept in shed to protect its texture during plantation period. The process of making matcha tea is important; a teaspoon of matcha tea is boiled with one third of water and then whisked by bamboo stick. Then the matcha green tea is ready to drink.The matcha green tea is best due to following benefits hidden in it-
Cancer Prevention
It is full of antioxidants and has presence of EGCG called Epigallocatechin gallate, neutralizes free radicals which are harmful to body. Matcha green tea contains 100% more radicals combating particles in comparison to other tea.
Increases Metabolism
Matcha green tea burns calories and those unyielding fat to burn fast. Matcha tea reduces 25% more fat in comparison to other tea, if included in diet plan. Thus, matcha green tea increases metabolism which burns 4 times fat faster.
Anti Ageing
Okinawa people in Japan live longer because they consume matcha green tea regularly. In Japan, this green tea is widely popular but people outside Japan have also come to know that it has ability to fight inflammation, oxidation and ageing.
Weight Loss
Matcha green tea increases the fat burning process from 8-10% to 35-40%. After drinking matcha tea, if exercise is done results of further fat burning is 25% more.
Protects Against Infection
This amazing tea is effective in fighting against multifarious viral, fungal and bacterial infections like hepatitis B and C, herpes virus, Influenza etc. It is also efficient in preventing HIV and allergies.
As Mtacha tea is grown in shed, it is rich in chlorophyll. The presence of chlorophyll helps to detoxify the heavy metal, poisons and hormone disruptors of body.
Improves Function Of Mind And Concentration
L-Theamine presence in matcha tea is five times more than the ordinary green tea. It had amino acid which increases alpha wave activity in the brain. Alpha wave activity reduces stress and jittery effect of caffeine present in matcha tea is counter balanced by L-Theamine. It improves concentration and clarity of mind.
Cures Constipation
The matcha green tea cures constipation because of present of dietary fiber and easily digestible. It also stabilizes blood sugar level.
Increases Energy
Matcha green tea is an excellent energy drink, it can replace coffee because it boosts energy without any headache where as in coffee it is not so.
Improves Immune System
It contains antioxidants, polyphenols, EGCG, L-Theamine which collectively increases immune system and fight anti genes.
Controls Type2 Diabetes
Antioxidants is found abundantly in matcha tea which reduces the level of triglycerides i.e., total cholesterol and hepatic glucone content in diabetic prone person.
Improves Cardiovascular Problems
EGCG, Epigallocatechin gallate present in matcha tea helps in reducing the collection of lipids and promotes autophegy in vascular and endothelial cells.
Beneficial For Skin
Due to anti aging properties of this versatile tea helps to look young and beautiful for many years. It also improves skin tone.
Calm The Body
This unique tea relaxes the body because of its antioxidants properties. It also helps to remain alert while doing meditation, that’s why it has been used by Chinese, Buddhists, monks, samurai warriors and Japanese from ancient times till date.
Reduced (LDL) Bad Cholesterol
American General of clinical nutrition demonstrated that LDL i.e., bad cholesterol is reduced by taking matcha green tea.