6 Promising Remedies for Removal of Warts


Warts are one of the skin problems which are contagious. As they are of various types, some of them can be harmless while others can cause serious problems. Different kind of warts leaves different effect on human health. In order to avoid occurrence of warts, one needs to avoid viral infection. On the basis of strength of the immunity system, the person catches certain kind of Human Papilloma virus that causes warts. Also, remember that warts can spread from person to person and from a part of the body to another. Well, here is the list of 6 awesome home remedies for treatment of warts.

Trichloroacetic Acid

Trichloroacetic Acid

Salicylic acid or totally concentrated TrichloroAcetic Acid is the main ingredient of wart removers present in markets. As it is effective to treat warts, it became one of the main ingredients of wart removers available in the market. Although, the effectiveness of this acid can vary from a few weeks to several weeks but it is definite that one can expect removal of warts with this ingredient. The best to apply this acid on skin for removal of wart is to soak the skin for about 5 minutes in water and then apply the acid on it. Leave it for the whole day and remove the dead skin later with a filer. Repeat the process every two or three days till the time wart gets removed.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Another good and effective remedy to remove warts is application of apple cider vinegar on warts. Although, this substance is not effective enough to kill the virus that generates wart but it can simply attack the flesh that creates wart and kill the physical wart in this way. The all you need to do is soaking a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and applying it on the wart. Then, cover the skin with a bandage or gauze and leave it overnight. If you are applying it during day, leave it for whole day. Repeat the process daily and your wart will fall off itself within a week.

Duct Tape

Duct tape

Duct tape is also a useful an effective way to remove wart. It is known as the localized medication in the wart area and choke the wart. According to a research, Duct Tape is an awesome idea to remove wart when it is followed by the application of imiquimod 5% cream. But this process takes too long time for success.

Banana Mash

Banana mash

Banana contains proteolytic enzyme that just destroy the wart. The all you need to do for using the banana mash for removal of wart is mash the banana peels inner part and apply it on the surface of wart. Repeat the process twice every day till the time, wart gets removed. Don’t forget to wash your hands every time you touch the part in order to inhibit it from spreading.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Dip a cotton ball in tea tree oil and place it simply on the wart daily. You will find the process of healing is slow butt really effective. Tea tree oil is a fantastic antiseptic to support removal of wart.

Burn Off The Wart

Burn Off The Wart

If you find all the methods are failed to remove the wart, burning it off can be really an effective way to get rid of it. Don’t forget that this is a risk treatment and you should be brave enough to do this at home. When you visit to the doctor, they will use laser to burn thee wart but in home, you can do it with a match. Light a match and blow it; touch the wart with hot match head that will lead to healing process via blistering. Then peel off the infected skin and cover it with a bandage after application of aloevera.