7 Home Remedies For White Spots On Skin


7 Home Remedies For White Spots On Skin

White spots on the skin may be a bit embarrassing for an individual to deal with it. Though there are effective treatments for it, they always tend to give you unwanted results. Try these seven methods through which you can gain back your flawless skin. These ingredients are mostly available in any household. The only side effect these methods may give is to improve your immune system furthermore.

7 Home Remedies For White Spots On Skin:

1. Neem Extracts:

As we all know, this bitter medicinal plant is good for killings germs and protecting your body from various infections. Extract neem juice from the tender leafs and apply it as a patch on the affected. Drinking neem juice with honey would also help in cleansing your problem inside out. Leave the patch to dry out then wash your skin with warm water.

Neem extracts

2. Virgin Coconut Oil Massage:

White spots, being dry causes itching due to lack of moisture on the skin. Having a massage with coconut oil on these dry patch of skin helps you to nourish it and hydrate it. For good effect leave the oil overnight.

Coconut Oil

3. Cabbage Juice:

Most hated vegetable by kids is one of the effective ways to drive away white spots on your skin. All one has to do is take fresh cabbage leafs and blitz it for its juice. Applying this juice on the white spots helps to make it more susceptible. Vigorous application of this juice for about three months gives you healthy and unblemished skin. Apply this juice twice a day for about twenty minutes and then clean with a cotton ball drenched in luke warm water.

cabbage juice

4. Papaya:

Papaya helps you with white spots by rejuvenating melanin. The root reason for white spots appearing on the skin is because of lack of melanin. By eating and applying papaya, it nourishes the cells which produce melanin. The affected area is to be covered by the pulp of papaya or just rub a papaya piece on the spots for twenty minutes twice a day. By reviving melanin, your skin regains its glow.


5. Yogurt:

Yes, yogurt. By eating yogurt between meals or including yogurt in your meals revitalize vitamin B12. Since most people suffering from white spots on their skin are observed to be deficient in vitamin B12, consuming yogurt helps half way to fight the problem. It also makes sure that your body is not vulnerable to other relating issues.


6. Ginger:

High in antioxidants ginger fights these white spots inside out. Applying ginger juice or a small piece directly on the scaly, dry and itchy skin washes out fungus and bacteria growing on the skin. Use this juice twice a day for twenty minutes and see amazing results in the span of a month.


7. Water Infused With Copper Ions:

There is nothing much to do in this remedy. Just fill a jar made up of copper with drinking water and leave it overnight. Next day hydrate yourself with this water. Copper ions present in the water helps melanin like papaya. Adopt this hassle-free method for skin care.

Water Infused With Copper Ions

Other than the above-given methods Green tea, tea tree oil, turmeric, aloe vera, honey, olive oil, basil, lemon etcetera is said to have worked for removing white spots on your skin and give you best skin care with ingredients easily available in any domestic kitchen. SO, try them out and see the difference.