Diet Tips For Mothers After A Cesarean Delivery


Diet Tips For Mothers After A Cesarean Delivery

The surgical removal of the baby from the uterus for delivering the baby, also known as c-section delivery, is carried out by the doctors when there are chances of complications that would endanger the mother or baby’s life during vaginal delivery.

Since c-section delivery is a major abdominal surgery and your body needs proper rest and care to recuperate from its strain, full attention should be paid on nutritional and dietary guidelines given by your health care provider.

Ideal Diet For Cesarean Mother

The main purpose of following an ideal diet after caesarean delivery is to help the mother digest food easily and also aid in bowel movement without straining the abdominal part where they feel lot of pain for couple of days after delivery.

1. Good Nutrition

Good nutrition will help you to speed up the healing process and lift your energy level after the C-section delivery. Continue eating good nutritious and well-balanced foods as you have been eating during pregnancy like foods rich in high protein, iron and vitamin C. Protein contributes to the growth of new tissue and aids in the healing process.

Good Nutrition

Vitamin C is needed to speed up the healing process and fight off infection. Iron is required for hemoglobin and to fulfill the requirement of blood that you lose during pregnancy and proper functioning of immune system. A balanced diet includes foods that contain carbohydrates, all the major vitamins and proteins.

2. Eat Easily Digestible Foods

Mothers having c-section delivery often experience increased gas after delivery; so they should not eat anything that causes gas and constipation. Avoid fried foods and carbonated drinks that produce gas. Eat fibrous foods to avoid constipation. Try rich warm soups which can be digested easily along with providing nutrition. Some recommended foods that you can include in your diet are broth, cottage cheese and yogurt.

Eat Easily Digestible Foods

To relieve you from constipation, fatty acids from flaxseed and primrose oil can help. Eat lots of yogurt to restore bacterial balance in your body after c-section delivery. Avoid eating processed foods like pasta, breads etc. that are hard to digest and leave you constipated. Resume your normal diet when you don’t feel pain while having bowel movement and digest your food easily.

3. Protein

Foods high in proteins include fish, chicken, eggs, meats, dairy foods, nuts, peas and dried beans. Eating protein rich foods will help the body to heal fast as it facilitates the repair of tissue and maintain the muscles post surgery.


Choose protein foods that are easy to digest, especially when you are breastfeeding your baby. You can have protein shakes till you develop the urge to eat solid foods after delivery.

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4. Vitamin C

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C like oranges, strawberries, papayas, melons, grapefruits, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes etc. The antioxidant present in vitamin C aids in tissue repair and speeds up the healing process.

Vitamin C

5. Iron

A lot of blood is lost during C-section delivery, which may deplete the iron level in the blood and leave you exhausted and fatigued. Red meat, egg yolk, liver, dried fruits and dried beans are enriched in iron. However, before including them in your diet, you must consult your doctor to know the exact quantity you can take.


6. Drink Plenty Of Fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to prevent dehydration and avoid constipation. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water and other fluids like low-fat milk, herbal teas, non-citrus fruit juices (unsweetened), coconut water etc. Drinking lots of fluids is even more essential when you are breastfeeding your baby as nursing can leave you thirsty.

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

To increase your milk supply, drink calcium fortified juices, milk and low–fat yogurt. Drinking enough fluids will help to replenish the fluids that you have lost during the c-section delivery process. Hydration will aid in bowel movement and also aid in faster recovery. Get sufficient vitamins, especially vitamin E and C, from foods and supplements to help the body heal faster and avoid infection.