11 Effective Home Remedies For Oral Cancer


 Effective Home Remedies For Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is also called as Mouth Cancer and seemingly affects more men than women. Oral Cancer usually starts at the lower pallet and the tongue, and quickly spreads to the other areas of the mouth, including the gums, salivary glands, inner cheeks, throat, tonsils and even the oesophagus. Without timely treatment and proper care, the tumor cells can spread to the neck, head and the other parts of the body (via the oesopahgus).

Many individuals mistake the symptoms of Oral cancer for other minor conditions and fail to check the condition until it escalates into a major issue. Some of the more common symptoms of Oral cancer include tongue lesions, cracks in gums and tissues, mouth ulcers, mouth soreness, abnormal sense of taste, loss of taste and difficulty in swallowing foods. Severe cases of oral cancer can also cause immense throat and mouth pain which would make it extremely hard for a person to even chew food properly, let alone swallow it without grimacing in pain. If left untreated, oral cancer can become a life threatening issue as well.

Useful Home Remedies For Oral Cancer

The standard treatment options for oral cancer include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In addition to being costly, these treatments would cause undesirable side effects. Home remedies on the other hand can effectively help deal with oral cancers without causing too many side effects in the process. Home remedies for oral cancer are cost effective too and would yield desirable results in a short span of time.

1. Eat Cancer Fighting Foods

As recommended by The American Institute for Cancer Research, a person with oral cancer should eat plenty of cancer fighting foods like leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, sweet potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, garlic, flaxseed, soy, seaweed, grapes, avocado, grapefruit, papaya, lemon, orange and green tea on a daily basis.These foods contain potent anticancer properties that help to reduce the size of the tumors and also prevent them from spreading and recurring.

Cancer Fighting Foods

Kitchen Counter Remedies

2. Green Tea

Green Tea contains plenty of antioxidants that help cleanse the body off free radicals and other harmful organisms that could trigger oral cancer or aggravate its symptoms. Drinking two cups of green tea everyday can help reduce the symptoms of oral cancer and prevent recurrences.

 Green Tea

3. Raspberries

Oral cancer can be cured effectively by just drinking a cup of raspberry juice every day until the symptoms of the condition disappear completely. Fresh raspberry juice is more desirable when compared to packaged drinks.The juice should be in its purest form as well which would mean no additional preservatives or artificial sweeteners should be added to it. By following this home remedy, the symptoms of oral cancer would gradually reduce and disappear completely within a few months.


4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are also very effective in treating oral cancer. Tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene which acts as an antioxidant and flushes out harmful free radicals from the body (free radicals are known to cause oral cancer).The presence of Vitamin C in tomatoes also helps to prevent skin cell damage which can also lead to oral cancer. Therefore, eating plenty of tomatoes would definitely kill the mouth cancer cells and reduce the symptoms of oral cancer. Eating tomatoes regularly can also prevent the cancer cells from multiplying or recurring.


5. Avocados

Avocados contain Vitamin C and E which help treat oral cancer by killing the pre-cancerous cells in the mouth (which would otherwise help the cancer cells to multiple faster and spread to other areas of the mouth). Eating avocados regularly can also prevent the cancer cells from recurring.


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6. Drumsticks

The leaves of the drumstick plant can help treat the symptoms of oral cancer effectively. The leaves need to be dried and blended to form a powder. One teaspoon of this powder needs to be added to a cup of boiling water.The solution needs to boil nicely after which it needs to be strained. A person suffering from oral cancer needs to drink this juice every day for at least a couple of months to get rid of oral cancer and its symptoms completely.\


7. Stop Smoking Or Chewing Tobacco

Smoking or Chewing tobacco and tobacco related products can be detrimental for a person suffering from oral cancer. Most cases of oral cancer are caused by frequent use of tobacco. People who smoke cigarettes, pipes and cigars frequently, and chew tobacco and snuff regularly are more at risk of developing oral cancer.

Tobacco would also delay the healing period and make it very hard for the body to recover from the illness. In addition to all this, frequent use of tobacco would definitely increase the chances of a recurrence. Therefore, a person with mouth cancer would need to avoid tobacco related products until he/she recovers from the condition completely. He/she should also limit the use of tobacco in the future to prevent the cancer from recurring.

Stop Smoking Or Chewing Tobacco

8. Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol along with tobacco can have very bad effects on oral cancer and its symptoms. Drinking alcohol frequently would delay the healing period and aggravate the symptoms of oral cancer to a great extent.People suffering from oral cancer are usually asked to stop drinking alcohol until their treatment phase is completely over and the cancer is cured completely. They are also asked to limit their drinking habits to a minimum in order to prevent the cancer from recurring.

Drinking Alcohol

9. Avoid Sun Exposure

Oral cancer and its symptoms can be effectively controlled by reducing the sun exposure to the affected area. Lesions, cracks and mouth ulcers resulting from the cancer can become more irritated if exposed to the sun.Long hours of exposure can also increase the risks of developing oral cancer. The best way to avoid this is to apply a UV A/B sunscreen block or lotion on the lips before heading out. In addition to reducing the risks of developing oral cancer, this can effectively control the symptoms of the condition.

Sun Exposure

10. Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

The symptoms of oral cancer can be aggravated further by an unhygienic mouth. Failing to brush and floss regularly can cause several teeth and gum related issues, and can trigger the cancer cells in the mouth to multiply faster.Improper oral hygiene can also reduce the body’s immunity and help the cancer spread faster (the body would not be able to fight off the cells). Practicing proper oral hygiene is therefore considered a must when it comes to treating oral cancer from home.

 Oral Hygiene

11. Change The Way You Cook Your Dishes

The symptoms of oral cancer can be aggravated with the way dishes are cooked. A person suffering from oral cancer would need to stop eating fried or grilled foods, and would need to eat steamed, baked or boiled foods instead. Oral cancer can also be aggravated with the use of artificial seasonings and preservatives added to cooked dishes. A suitable alternative to this would be to replace artificial additives with natural, healthy additives like curry powder, garlic, ginger and chilies etc.

Change The Way You Cook Your Dishes