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Tooth abscess is a critical medical condition marked by accumulation of pus beneath or around the tissues flanking a tooth. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), accumulation of pus or a bacterial infection in the tooth’s pulp forms this common medical condition characterized by fever and swelling. This tooth abscess can be very painful and irritating due to which it requires medical treatment. Luckily, you can treat it with simple home remedies if it is in its beginning stage. So, if you are afraid of visiting a dentist, you can simply try some home remedies to get rid of the miserable symptoms of this infection.
However, if the symptoms exist even after trying some of these remedies for a few days, kindly do not sit with the problem and take a dentist’s appointment for quick healing. Here are some effective home remedies for tooth abscess!
Effective Home Remedies for Tooth Abscess
1. Gargle With Saline Water
Gargling with salty water has always been considered as one of the ideal remedies for several tooth problems. In case of abscess, gargling with warm saline water can, too, be really effective. This is because the warm water is powerful enough to alleviate the condition of infected oral cavity. Further, salt has a major role to play as an antiseptic over the infection. Just ensure that you spit out the water instead of gulping it down so that the pus and blood are drained away. Continuous gargling will aid in the proper drainage of both pus and blood for quick relief from pain and swelling. Medline Plus suggests taking salt water that is not too warm, as the infected teeth might be sensitive.
2. Use Clove Oil
Since ancient times, clove is admired as one of the effective remedies for tooth abscess. Clove oil is rich in bacteria slaying properties due to which it helps in relieving tooth pain and infection. Not only does it help in killing a few bacteria that trigger pain, but also cause a numbing effect. In this way, clove oil works as an anesthetic in treating the abscess.
All you need to do is just dab a few drops of oil directly on the affected area for immediate pain relief. Alternatively, you can keep on chewing a clove if its oil seems to trigger an unbearable burning sensation. However, it is vital to know that chewing too many cloves may lead to hyperacidity. Therefore, avoid doing so on an empty stomach.
3. Sip Peppermint Tea
As per the Dental Gentle Care site, sipping peppermint tea can trigger relaxing and healing effects on the infected teeth. Therefore, you can consider having a lukewarm peppermint tea and swish it around in your mouth for better results.
4. Taking The Advantage Of Cold Compress
Cold compress is a famous remedy to get rid of pain as well as swelling, which may exist in any part of the body. It is robust enough to trigger a cooling effect that can reduce swelling in tooth. Therefore, you can apply the compress on the infected area. In order to do so, you can consider moving an ice pack on the cheek of the side where the affected tooth lies. For best results, you can apply it for 15-25 minutes for many times in a day.
5. Witness The Magic Of Garlic
Garlic is rich in antibiotic properties due to which it is very effective in slaying the causal bacteria. The ability of garlic to trigger an antibiotic effect is due to an active ingredient in it, which is called allicin.
So, you can try placing a glove of garlic on the infected area for some minutes and for several times in a day. Just ensure that you do not leave the glove for a longer time because garlic may end up irritating your skin.
6. Erupt The Abscess With Baking Soda
If the abscess has not erupted and you wish to erupt it, then you can try the treatment of salt and baking soda. Just dip a cotton ball in a mix of baking soda and salt. Then, wipe the gum line with it.While doing so, just ensure that you press the infected tooth as hard as possible so that the abscess gets punctured and the pain is relieved.
7. Put Some Drops Of Tea Tree Oil
According to dental experts, tea tree oil can be very effective in treating abscess because it comes from melaleuca leaves and is rich in antibiotic as well as antiseptic properties. Therefore, it is powerful enough to fight against bacteria and their infections such as abscess.You can try pouring some drops of tea tree oil on your tooth brush with which you can brush your teeth for several times in a day in order to cope up with infection. Alternatively, you can pour 10 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of water and hiss it in the mouth at least thrice a day.
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8. Try Black Tea And Its Bag
Just drink one cup of black tea and then place its tea bag on the affected area for almost 60 minutes.It has been claimed by many people that doing so aids in soothing the swelling as well as alleviating the tooth infection.
9. Rinse With Hydrogen Peroxide
Experts believe that hydrogen peroxide keeps oral bacteria at bay. Therefore, keeping the affected area hygienic by rinsing with hydrogen peroxide can provide relief from the abscess.
10. Get Some Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
According to, over-the-counter pain relievers can be taken for relieving tooth pain or infection. Antibiotics such as Strepsil throat lozenge or anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen may aid in alleviating the symptoms of abscess infection. You can put the Strepsil besides the gum area of the affected tooth for quick healing. However, keep in mind that these medications cannot cure the condition although they are fast at work and easy to obtain.
Nevertheless, you can try them because they have been found effective in relieving tooth pain. Just make sure that you take them as per the instructions given on the label. As per the doctors of Johns Hopkins Hospital, these pain relievers and warm saline rinses can help in alleviating the discomfort as well as inflammation caused due to dental abscess.
Warning: If these home remedies do not show the desired results, then you only have the option of choosing a medical treatment such as extraction or root canal.