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Bladder infection needs immediate treatment failing which it poses threat to the kidney. Bladder infection symptoms can be handled right at home with the following amazing home remedies.
Home Remedies For Bladder Infection
Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hot water compress
Cranberry Juice
Similar to blueberry juice, cranberry juice is highly effective in fighting bacterial infections. The active compounds in cranberry called proanthocyanidins prevent the bacteria from attaching the urethral walls thereby preventing bladder infection. It is also a natural antibiotic that inhibits in the growth of bacteria.You can drink half glass cranberry juice on daily basis to shield your body from bacterial infections. However, one suffering from bladder infections should drink 3 to 4 glasses of it twice daily so that the kidneys are protected from damage. Make sure that you do not sweeeten the cranberry juice. You can add apple juice to it though.
The active enzyme in pineapple is bromelain which has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Bromelain helps in curing bladder infections. You can eat a raw pineapple or make fresh pineapple juice at home with a cupful of finely chopped pineapples.The canned pineapples will not be very effective in curing bladder infections since they contain preservatives. However, one has to take pineapples along with the conventional antibiotics to expedite the healing process.
Vitamin C
Foods rich in vitamin C offer relief from bladder infection. Vitamin C acidifies urine and hence inhibits bacterial growth in the bladder. Some of the good food sources of vitamin C are bananas, orange, kiwi, guava, lemon, raspberry, pineapple, watermelon, papaya and capsicum. Alternatively, you can opt for vitamin C supplements.
Tea Tree Oil
Because of its strong antibacterial properties, tea tree oil proves to be an effective home remedy for bladder infections. Add around 10 drops of it to the water used for bathing and properly wash the urethra with this water.Tea tree oil can be mixed with equal quantities of juniper and sandalwood oil and applied to the abdomen and in the area surrounding the bladder. This massage would alleviate the pain caused by bladder infection. Repeat the process thrice a day for effective results.
Yogurt helps in protecting you against future bladder infections or other bacterial infections if not fight the current infection. Yogurt comprises of probiotics named acidophilus bifidus that are also known as good bacteria. These good bacteria inhibit the growth of unfriendly bacteria.