10 Easy And Effective Home Remedies To Treat Boils

Effective Home Remedies To Treat Boils

Effective Home Remedies To Treat BoilsEffective Home Remedies To Treat Boils

The problem of boil is very common and it is caused due to the bacterial infection in the hair follicles. The clogging of skin pores favours the growth of bacteria which in turn results into small and red bumps in the skin which grows in size. The boil is followed by intense pain and itching which often results into fever. The major causes of the problem include low immunity, improper hygiene care, over consumption of alcohol, diabetes problem and nutritional deficiencies etc. The situation is very difficult to handle and causes a lot of trouble therefore it is very important to treat the problem with time. Here are the perfect and effective home remedies that could be used to treat boils completely.

Following Effective Home Remedies To Treat Boils:

Warm Compress

Using a warm compress is highly recommended to treat boils. It helps in suppressing the swelling very effectively. Not only this, it also increases the blood flow in the affected areas which in turn leads to faster recovery.

Indian lilac

Indian lilac is rich in anti bacterial properties that eliminate the harmful bacterial infection. Moreover the anti septic properties of Indian lilac are very useful in treating boils. Therefore it is advisable to make a paste of Indian lilac leaves and apply it over the boils 3 to 4 times in a day.

Turmeric Powder Paste

Turmeric is very useful for treating the symptoms like pain, inflammation and swelling. Moreover the healing and anti septic nature of it helps in the complete treatment of boils. Therefore all you have to do is to apply a paste of turmeric powder over the skin and cover it with a bandage. Application of fresh paste every 2 or 3 hours is recommended.

Garlic Oil

Garlic is very powerful to fight off the infection causing bacteria and provide relief from the infection as well. Therefore you should apply garlic oil over the skin 3 to 4 times in a day to get rid of the boils completely.

Onion Juice

Onion is also very helpful in getting relief from the boils problem. It reduces itching and swelling very effectively. All you have to do is to apply some fresh onion juice over the boils to get relief.

Sandalwood Powder And Ginger Juice

The combination of sandal wood powder and ginger juice is very effective in treating all the symptoms of boils. You have to make a paste by mixing sandal wood powder and ginger juice and apply it over the areas affected 4 to 5 times in a day to get best results.

Fenugreek Seeds Paste

Fenugreek seeds posses anti bacterial properties that can be used to treat the bacterial infection effectively. Just soak some fenugreek seeds in water and grind them to make a paste. Apply this paste over the boils 3 to 4 times in a day to get complete relief.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is also very useful in suppressing the symptoms of boils. You have to mix a few drops of lavender oil in water and apply the mixture over the boils in order to get complete relief.

Tea Tree Oil

The anti bacterial properties of tea tree oil reduce the bacterial infection. Moreover the anti septic and healing properties help in curing the boils very quickly. Therefore it is advisable to apply a few drops of tea tree oil over the affected regions to get relief.

Milk Cream

Milk cream is very effective in reducing the pain and other symptoms of boils. All you have to do is to mix some milk cream and vinegar solution and apply it over the boils 3 to 4 times in a day. The use of this remedy ensures a speedy recover from boils problem.

Follow these simple and effective home remedies daily in order to get complete relief.

Rohit Soni:
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