It might not help you in completely curing the problem but then it will help a great deal in maintaining the equilibrium. Here we provide you with a simple food menu that lists down all the top 10 foods that you should keep at bay if you have problems of cholesterol at its peak-
10 High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid
Egg Yolk
Processed Foods
Fried And Oily Foods
High Fat Dairy Products
Animal Products Category
Herein, sea food, liver meat, caviar is also included in the foods to avoid list.
Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
Any items that have been prepared by using hydrogenated vegetable oil are one of the top most food categories that should be avoided in high cholesterol conditions.
Desserts And Sweets
Any food products that are high in sugar will be high in cholesterol too. For example, pies, cakes, shakes, doughnuts, crackers and more. Anything sweet is supposed to stay away from for balancing cholesterol levels.
Fast Food/ Junk Food
From burgers to pizzas and hotdogs to tacos and fried chicken all of them fall under the junk food category that has extreme levels of cholesterol in them. Hamburgers, cheesy dips, French fries are some other examples of the same.
Researches show that ice-creams have as much level of fat and cholesterol as the foods mentioned above. So keep away from this item as much as possible.
Duck And Goose
For all the non-vegetarians, you should especially note down that duck and goose meat should not be eaten in case of high cholesterol levels in the body.