10 Home Remedies For Treating Sebaceous Cyst

Sebaceous cyst is a problem that occurs on the skin. In this problem a cyst or a small bump is formed under the skin that causes a lot of irritation and pain. Human skin has glands known as sebaceous glands that continuously secrete some hormones and the problem of sebaceous cysts occurs when these hormones are secreted excessively causing a blockage in sebaceous glands. Not only this, there are several other reasons that could lead to the occurrence of sebaceous cysts. Swelling in hair follicles, over exposure to sun, skin waxing, acne, pimples etc all cause this problem. The problem occurs quite frequently in women and even men are not spared from this painful condition. The main symptoms of the problem are occurrence of cyst under the skin that causes pain, itching, inflammation, swelling and sometimes there is a discharge of foul smelly liquid from the cyst. The problem goes away within a few days but sometimes it takes a lot of time to heal and therefore you can use the below mentioned

Home Remedies To Treat Sebaceous Cysts Effectively

Aloe Vera Gel

Since the problem occurs under the skin therefore it is advisable to use aloe vera to treat the problem. The gel from aloe vera percolates under the skin and helps in reducing the inflammation and swelling very effectively. Not only this, it also prevents the repeated occurrences of sebaceous cysts. It is therefore advisable to apply fresh aloe vera gel on your skin to get relief.


Steam can also be used to get rid of sebaceous cysts effectively. Stem helps in clearing the skin pores and also prevents the blockage of the sebaceous gland. It reduces swelling and pain as well. You should therefore use a steamer to steam the affected areas of the skin and to treat the problem effectively.

Tea Bags

Tea is actually very useful for the health of the skin. One of the natural contents of the tea is tannic acids which are anti inflammatory in nature. You can use tea bags to treat the inflammation and swelling caused due to sebaceous cysts. Take a soaked tea bag and press it gently over the cyst and keep it for 5 to 8 minutes. Repeat daily for better results.


Honey can reduce the pain and skin swelling very effectively. Not only this, it also helps in preventing the risk of skin infection due to the blocked glands. Apply some fresh honey on your skin and let it dry.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is also used widely to treat the problem of pimples and acnes. The anti inflammatory nature of tea tree oil makes it very useful and effective to treat the problem of sebaceous cysts. Take some tea tree oil and apply it with cotton over the cysts to get rid of the painful symptoms of the problem.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can treat the inflammation due to the presence of anti inflammatory properties. Not only this, the presence of useful minerals and nutrients in coconut oil makes it very beneficial for the health of your skin. Therefore you should apply coconut oil on the skin to treat the sebaceous cysts effectively.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is used to treat a lot of health problems. The presence of anti inflammatory properties makes it useful to get rid of the inflammation and swelling. Not only this, its anti septic and anti microbial nature prevents the risk of infection and helps in reducing the size of cyst to provide great relief. Apply a paste of baking soda on the skin to get relief.

Turmeric Mask

Turmeric is very good for the health of the skin. It is anti septic in nature and thus helps in quick skin healing. It is also anti inflammatory in nature that helps in treating the problem of pain and inflammation. It improves the overall appearance of the skin as well and therefore it is advisable to apply turmeric paste as a mask on the affected areas of the skin to treat the problem of sebaceous cysts effectively.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can also reduce the problem of inflammation, pain and swelling. Being acidic in nature it also prevents the risk of infection. Not only this, it also clears the blocked sebaceous glands to prevent the occurrence of sebaceous cysts. You should therefore apply fresh lemon juice on your skin to get relief from the problem.


Yogurt is rich in healthy bacteria that help in healing the skin and it effectively reduces the size of sebaceous cysts. Apply fresh yogurt on your skin to get relief from the problem effectively.

Sunil Kumar:
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