10 Home Remedies To Cure Razor Burns

10 Home Remedies To Cure Razor Burns

10 Home Remedies To Cure Razor Burns10 Home Remedies To Cure Razor Burns

The problem of razor burns is quite common among both men and women and cause a lot of problems. The major causes for the razor burns include careless shaving techniques, using a blunt and old razor, skin reaction with shaving cream etc. The main symptom of razor burn includes red rashes on the skin that are followed by pain and inflammation. Not only are this, burning sensation and swelling are also followed by the problem. Here are the best home remedies that can be used to treat razor burns effectively.

Following Home Remedies To Cure Razor Burns:

Ice Cubes

The easiest way to get rid of the symptoms of razor burns is to use ice cubes. The coolness of ice reduces the pain and burning sensation very effectively. Take some ice cubes and towel to make an ice compress and apply on and around the affected areas of the skin to get relief.


Honey is very useful in getting rid from razor burns. Apply some honey over the skin for some time followed by rinsing off with cold water. The anti microbial nature of honey prevents the risk of infection and the healing nature helps in healing the skin faster. It is advisable to repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times to get better and effective results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very effective in minimizing the risk of infection in the skin and also helps in getting rid from symptoms like pain and inflammation. Therefore it is advisable to add some apple cider vinegar in water and apply the solution over the skin in order to get relief.

Tea Bags

Tea bags are very useful in getting relief from the pain caused due to razor burns. The tannic acid present in tea bags reduces the inflammation and helps in a faster healing. You have to soak a tea bag in water and gently apply it over the skin to get relief.

Baking Soda

Baking soda in anti septic and anti inflammatory in nature that helps in healing the razor bunt skin very effectively. It reduces inflammation and burning sensation quite effectively and provides immense relief. Therefore it is advisable to make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it over the skin followed by rinsing off with cold water after 2 to 5 minutes.

Aloe Vera Gel

Apply some fresh aloe vera gel over the razor burnt areas of the skin in order to get relief from burning sensation and inflammation. Not only this, the healing and soothing nature of aloe vera gel help in a faster recovery from razor burns.


Cucumber can also be used to reduce burning sensation and inflammation. All you have to do is to apply some freshly grated cucumber over the skin 2 to 3 times in day.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is rich in anti inflammatory properties that do the work of bringing down the inflammation and pain. Not only this, tea tree oil is also very effective in preventing the risk of harmful bacterial infections. Moreover the anti septic properties of it help in a faster recovery from the razor burns. Therefore it is advisable to apply a few drops of tea tree oil over the burnt skin to get relief.

Coconut Oil

Like tea tree oil, coconut oil is also very useful and effective in treating the inflammation and pain. It helps in healing the skin faster and provides complete relief from razor burns. Apply a few drops of coconut oil over the affected skin to get relief.

Witch Hazel

It also helps in providing relief from inflammation and prevents the risk of infection very effectively. Use a cotton ball to apply witch hazel over the affected skin.

Follow all the above mentioned home remedies daily in order to get relief.

Rohit Soni:
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