10 Home Remedies To Treat Allergic Rhinitis

People are suffering from various types of allergic problems. There can be huge numbers of reasons for the formation of allergy in human beings. Allergic rhinitis is termed as one type of allergic reactions that is mainly caused due to hyper active immunity of the human body. When a person inhales something bad, the immunity system of the body reacts to higher level and thus causing the release of chemicals known to be allergic rhinitis. Grass pollen is the main cause of the formation of allergic rhinitis. It is also called as hay fever. People who are suffering from this problem try to apply various methods to get proper treatment. You can also handle this allergy problem by intake of best home remedies that are easy as well as perfect to provide desired results.

List Of 10 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Allergic Rhinitis


Turmeric is the oldest type of solution to deal with various types of health problems. The medicinal properties present in turmeric will help to stay away from the allergic conditions. Mix some turmeric powder and honey and consume it on regular basis to get best results. You can also mix pure turmeric powder into warm milk to derive best benefits.

Salt Water

Salt water is considered to be the best solution that is commonly used to stay away from the allergic reactions. Salt water is very perfect as it will help to avoid the formation of allergic substances. You can simply prepare some salt water solution and then wash your entire nose to clean the foreign objects. It will thus help to treat the allergic reactions.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to cure allergic rhinitis problem. The antihistamine properties present in apple cider vinegar makes it suitable to deal with this particular problem. Take some fresh vinegar and mix some lemon juice to it. Add little honey and drink the solution to gain the benefits from it.


Strawberries are the best source of vitamin C and thus they can help in proper immunity inside the body. The foreign materials will thus be in control and the immunity system of the body will also take care of it. Increase the intake of strawberries on regular basis to derive proper results.


Ginger is used as the best home remedy to get rid of allergic rhinitis. The anti-inflammatory properties present in ginger will help to reduce the inflammation that is caused during allergic rhinitis. The antiviral and antibacterial properties of ginger will also help to take care of the allergy. Prepare some ginger tea and drink this hot solution regularly to get best results.


Steam can also be used to deal with allergic rhinitis problem. Hot steam can be produced by boiling water. Allow the steam to pass down the nose and clean the mucus present inside it. Use of steam in this way can help to clean the nose. Add some peppermint oil to hot boiling water and inhale the steam coming out from it. Cover your face with towel to properly inhale the steam.

Oil Pulling

The process of oil pulling can be used to deal with the problem of allergic rhinitis. This process is very old and is thus being used to take care of the entire allergy problems. Take some proper type of oil such as coconut oil and apply it all inside the mouth in a perfect manner. Keep it for some time inside the mouth and then spit the entire solution out of the mouth.


Yogurt can also help to get rid of the allergic rhinitis problem. Yogurt is rich source of good types of bacteria that are required to maintain the health of the body. Use some yogurt in your daily diet in order to keep all kinds of allergic reactions at stray. It is good for your health and will also avoid allergic rhinitis.


Oranges and other types of citrus fruits will help to improve the immunity of the body and thus avoid allergic rhinitis problem. The antioxidants and vitamin C that is present in oranges will boost the immunity level of the body. It will thus help to fight with the foreign agents and get the best results.


Garlic also contains anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. It can be perfectly used to deal with the problem of allergic rhinitis. Take some fresh garlic cloves and chew them properly to provide best results. You can use them in your dishes to add more benefits and avoid allergic rhinitis. It is easily available and can provide guaranteed results.

Akash Kumar Rout:
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