10 Natural Homemade Remedies For Your Pets


Who doesn’t love pets? Whether they are dogs, cats or even spiders, we do our best to ensure that our pets are taken care of. However, maintaining a pet can also be quite difficult financially because they need medication or special care which is rare to find. However, listed below are some natural homemade remedies which will benefit your pets without having to spend an exorbitant amount at the vet.

Brewer’s Yeast

Brewer’s Yeast

You can always use a dose of brewer’s yeast along with a generous amount of garlic in dry food will help keep fleas away from your dog. Fleas can be quite irritating for your dog, causing restless nights. If you have a cat, you can also add brewer’s yeast to food; however, abstain from using garlic in cat food as it could lead to anemia.



Are you looking for a natural remedy to rid your dog or cat from dreaded ticks? Well, you can always get rid of them with some…water! Dip your cat or dog in a nice big tub of water and rinse well to ensure that they leave. You have the option of using a gentle shampoo or a mild dish detergent to get the extra help that you need. While your pet might give some problems initially because they might not like being dipped in water, but they will grow accustomed to it.

Treating Feet

Treating Feet

If your dog’s feet seem sore after treading across rough terrain, or a cold or hot pavement, you need to check the toes and paws to see how bad the damage done actually is. Check for stones or twigs embedded and remove them with a tweezer. After which, wash it gently with water and then apply a mild moisturizer. If you happen to notice bleeding, apply an antibiotic ointment and then bandage it properly to avoid the spread of an infection.



Is your pet constantly scratching his fur and is in visible discomfort? Something like that could easily make you restless as a pet owner. You can use baby oatmeal as a natural remedy to help remove the itch. Also, you can fine-grind your own oatmeal. Add water to the oatmeal and make it into a paste before applying. Leave the paste on for around 10 minutes and then rinse it well with luke warm water. It is a seriously ingenious itch prevention remedy.



Pets are even susceptible to stomach problems by being on medication. This is because the medicine they consume that remove the beneficial bacteria along with the non-beneficial ones. For this, a little yoghurt goes a long way. Add it to the dog’s dinner and let him consume it.

Epsom Salt

Espom Salt

Is your dog or cat suffering from a strained or sprained leg by romping around the garden a little too much? An Epsom salt soak is the perfect remedy for such an eventuality. Add half a cup of the salt to a warm bath and let your pet soak its feet for around five minutes, twice a day. You can also soak a cloth in the mixture and add it to the affected area.

Switch Bowls


Sometimes, eating from a plastic bowl could make your pet suffer from irritation or an allergic reaction around the face or on the body. All you need to do to avoid such an eventuality is to switch to a glass or metal bowl. Plastic bowls contain irritable bacteria as opposed to normal bowls. Wash the bowls thoroughly when your pet has finished eating.



You can give your cat a half a teaspoon of butter to relive him/her of the dreaded furball problem which can be quite irritating at times for the pet.

Chamomile Tea Bag

Chamollie tea

You can place a warm chamomile tea bag on your pet’s eye to remove irritation or a possible infection.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E

Use Vitamin E oil to pamper your pet’s skin by applying it in the affected areas to provide relief.