10 Top And Healthy Diets To Prevent Cancer

10 Top And Healthy Diets To Prevent Cancer

10 Top And Healthy Diets To Prevent Cancer10 Top And Healthy Diets To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal cells, divided uncontrollably in human body. This is a very dangerous disease which may lead to death. Immediate actions should be taken when you identify this disease in your body. It can be cured by undertaking proper medication. But this disease can be prevented effectively before it appears in your body by following some simple healthy diet in our daily life. It builds confidence in you to lead your life happily without fear of being affected by this disease.

10 Top And Healthy Diets To Prevent Cancer


Some researchers have proved that you can prevent cancer being attacked in your body by using tomatoes in your diet. It guards DNA present in your cells from being damaged which caused cancer. Tomato is an effective antioxidant with Lycopene which is very helpful in preventing cancer. From all these beneficial properties it is recommended to have tomatoes in your daily diet to prevent cancer and to get the most benefits of it.


Garlic is used in our daily life as an ingredient in preparing many kinds of dishes. Many researchers have found that garlic is very effective in preventing various kinds of cancer caused in your digestive system. It is very rich in sulfur, a compound which helps in stimulating the immune system to fight against cancer causing cells in your body. It is recommended to have at least one garlic clove a day to prevent cancer.

Green Tea

Green Tea is very beneficial in preventing cancer as it contains Catechin, which is an antioxidant. This helps in developing immune system in your body to fight against cancer causing cells. It also helps in preventing many kinds of tumors being affected in your body. Thus, it is recommended to have at least one cup of green tea in your daily diet to get the most benefits of it.


They are very rich in antioxidants which are most beneficial in neutralizing uncontrollable cells and to prevent them from damage. Thus, it is very helpful in preventing your body from being infected by cancer. From all these beneficial properties it is recommended to have handful of berries in your daily diet to get the most benefits of it.


It is used as an ingredient in preparing many kinds of dishes. Researchers have found that turmeric has the ability to prevent your body from being infected by various kinds of cancer and tumors. It is anti inflammatory and anti oxidant in nature. Curcumin present in this ingredient helps in preventing growth of cancer causing cells. Thus, it is recommended to have food prepared with turmeric in your regular diet.


Grapes have anti oxidant called resveratol. It is very useful to control the growth of cancer causing cells in your body. It has the ability to prevent various kinds of cancer being caused. Thus, it is recommended to have grape fruit or juice in your daily diet to get the most benefits of it. You can chew them simply or can prepare fresh grape juice.


This belongs to the group of vegetables called Cruciferous vegetables. Cabbage can prevent DNA from being damaged by uncontrollable cells which caused cancer. It also helps in controlling growth of tumors and cancer causing cells. Due to these beneficial properties it is recommended to have Cabbage or similar kind of Cruciferous vegetables in your daily diet to get the most benefits of it.


They are rich in ellagic acid which helps in controlling cancer causing cells and limit their growth in your body. Thus, it is recommended to have 2 to 3 pomegranate fruit or Juice extracted by them in your daily diet to prevent your body being affected by cancer causing cells and to get the most benefits of it.

Sweet Potato

Many medical researchers have found that Beta carotene antioxidant present in sweet potato is very helpful in preventing various kinds of cancer being affected in your body. It is also helpful in preventing tumors. Thus, it is recommended to have sweet potatoes in your daily diet to control the risk of cancer and to get the most benefits of it.


Spinach has antioxidants called Beta carotene and lutein which are very helpful in controlling cancer causing cell to grow in your body. It also helps in protecting DNA from being damaged by uncontrollable cells which leads to cancer. Thus, it is recommended to have Spinach or any other kinds of green vegetables in your daily diet to reduce the risk of cancer and to get the most benefits of it.

Kamalakanta Swain:
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