10 Top Benefits Of Green Leafy Vegetables

10 Top Benefits Of Green Leafy Vegetables

10 Top Benefits Of Green Leafy Vegetables10 Top Benefits Of Green Leafy Vegetables

Experts for health and body maintenance often ask people to take as much green vegetable bowls as is possible for the specific individual because of its countless benefits. You will be pleased to know that dark green and leafy vegetables have got plenty of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins and low calories to offer you long term fitness and younger look. You will find here what benefits can be extracting by eating green and leafy vegetables on daily basis.

Weight loss

Since leafy and green vegetables are high on fibers, minerals and vitamins; they will help you to lose your weight more rapidly than injections or other expensive weight loss treatment. Yes, these vegetables also put restrictions on your rampant hunger that will not allow increasing you weight.

Overall Skin Care

Green vegetable comes in the category of low-glycemic food or diet which means that your skin become less susceptible to acne and skin inflammation. Of course, green tea and fish also come in this category but focusing only on leafy vegetables will offer you clean and shiny skin.

Look Younger For A Longer Time

Dark green and leafy vegetables supply your body with much essential nutrients like lutein and folate that will increase elasticity and youthfulness of your skin. These nutrients are essential for balancing lipids in skin and can repair the damaged DNA to offer younger look and skin.

Protection From Cardiovascular Diseases And Blood Pressure Fluctuations

Green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin C, magnesium, folic acid and potassium due to which health risks such as cancer, heart disease and blood pressure fluctuations will be easily controlled. Daily servings of these vegetables have reduced the risks of cardiovascular diseases by 11 percent, a recent study has shown.

Healthy Vision And Beautiful Eyes

Zeaxanthin and lutein cartenoids are available in green vegetables that will make the vision stronger. Taking vegetables on daily basis will reduce the risks of macular degeneration and contraction of eye lens along with some other age-related eye problems.

Safety against Cancer Types

It should be noted here that green and leafy vegetables also contain plenty of flavonoids, cartenoids and other potential antioxidants that play active role in the reduction of cancer risks which are related to lung, stomach, colon, breast and skin. You should never ignore broccoli and spinach which contains isothiocyanates and indoles which are powerful inhibitors for specific cancer types.

Matured And Great Brain Function

Diet containing higher proportions of folates that are found in green vegetables has been greatly inked to improved brain function and great verbal fluency. Cognitive decline can be effectively controlled in the context of older adults.

Fighting Against Diabetes

Fiber present in leafy vegetables are responsible for regulation of insulin levels and also lower blood pressure and cholesterol which will keep you safe from type 2 diabetes. Plenty of water available in green vegetables will further hydrate your body and you will look younger and beautiful for a longer time period.

Strong Bones

Vitamin C and heavy concentration of minerals in the leafy vegetables will boost up the joints and increasing strength of your bones which will keep you protected against arthritis and osteoporosis.

Powerhouse Of Vitamins

Green and leafy vegetables supply your body with all the required nutrients and act as powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. There is no denying the fact that balanced level of vitamin K will enhance the production of osteocalcin which will further improve the health of your body bone. Moreover, it will regulate the process of blood clotting, diabetes control and helps greatly to reduce calcium in arterial plaques.
You should always note here that some of the highly recommended green and dark leafy vegetables best suited to your health and beauty are spinach, kale, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, watercress, zucchini and mustard greens.

Rukmani Agrawal Jaiswal:
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