10 Top Healthy Diet Tips For Dengue Patients


10 Top Healthy Diet Tips For Dengue Patients

Dengue is a very dangerous kind of health issue that is caused by mosquito bites. The flow of RNA virus is mainly responsible of the formation of dengue fever in the body. Huge numbers of people are suffering from this kind of problem and finally losing their life. This particular kind of virus is mainly spread with the help of mosquitoes. Thus, always take care to clean your surroundings and avoid the presence of mosquitoes at your home. Dengue fever can affect the circulatory system of the human beings. The rate at which this virus is affecting people is growing at a very faster rate. It can be cured if proper medications as well proper diets are taken on time. You can take care of this dengue fever by following strict diet rules.

Healthy Diet Tips For Dengue Patients

Intake Of Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are perfect for the patients who are suffering from the problem of dengue fever. Green leafy vegetables are the best source of nutrients as well as other valuable compounds that will cure the virus problem and will enhance the immunity of the entire body. There are various kinds of green leafy vegetables available in the market, which can be consumed.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables


Banana should be consumed during this kind of health problem. Banana has rich source of many valuable types of compounds that will not only fight with the virus but will also help to provide energy. It is thus advised to consume banana till the fever is cured.


Intake Of More Water

Water content of the body should be intact as it will help to prevent dehydration. It is very important to maintain the actual level of water in the body. Proper intake of water in the body will also removes harmful toxins from the body. Increase intake of more water throughout the day.

Intake Of More Water

Use Of Papaya Leaves Juice

It is a very perfect idea to use papaya leaves juice in order to get faster recovery from the problem of dengue fever. Huge numbers of people are adopting this technique as it will only help to get rid of the viral problem and cures it properly. Squeeze the fresh juice of papaya and drink it on regular basis till the problem is properly cured.

Use Of Papaya Leaves Juice

Avoid Spicy Types Of Foods

Intake of spicy foods during dengue fever problem can hamper the overall recovery process. People who are suffering from the problem are actually having low immunity in their body. It is thus advised to stay away from the spicy foods that can raise the problem. Try to take normal food processed items that does not contain spices.

Spicy Foods

Fruit Juice

Juice such as lemon juice can be consumed as it will help to provide vitamin C to the body and will also help to provide taste to the taste buds. People often lose their taste sense during dengue fever. Drinking lemon juice can help in this issue and can add immunity power.

Fruit Juices

Diet Rich In Protein

Diets that are rich source of protein are very helpful during dengue fever problem. Intake of protein rich diet will help to enhance the overall requirement of minerals, vitamins as well as fats in the body. This kind of diet should also be used after recovering from the problem. It will help to fight with the virus present in the body and eliminate it permanently.

Diet Rich In Protein

Boiled Food Items

It is always advised by the doctors to feed on boiled food items as the capacity of the liver is severely hampered during dengue fever time. The liver is affected the most and hence it cannot help in the digestion process. It will thus be better to opt for boiled kinds of food items that can be easily digested. It is easy to prepare and good for overall health.

Boiled Food Items

Include Orange

Oranges should also be used in the regular diet in order to get the antioxidants as well as vitamin C. it will help to provide energy and vitamins to the body. Thus the process of recovery will become fast and the overall immunity of the body will also increase. You can simply consume oranges or can drink the fresh juice of it.

Vitamin C

Herbal Tea

People suffering from dengue fever can drink hot herbal tea that will add best results and will fight with virus. It is very easy to prepare at home and make sure to add cardamom to the tea while preparing. Green tea can also be used for same purpose as they are rich source of antioxidants.

Herbal Tea