10 Top Healthy Super Foods To Sleep Better

10 Top Healthy Super Foods To Sleep Better

10 Top Healthy Super Foods To Sleep Better10 Top Healthy Super Foods To Sleep Better

Are you having sleepless nights? It’s time to track your diet so that you can understand the nutrients that are included in your diet and also the essential nutrients which you have missed. Most of us think that they are too stressed and hence, they are having sleepless nights but that is not true. In fact, if you are having a peaceful sleep at night then you can stay away from stress. Certain food items are known for their sleep inducing properties so you can include those food items.

Following Healthy Super Foods To Sleep Better:


Add walnuts to your diet so that you can sleep peacefully. Walnuts contain amino acids and amino acids are responsible for the production of serotonin and Melatonin. Serotonin and Melatonin are responsible for setting up your sleep and wake alarm. You can consume 4-6 walnuts on daily basis so that you can fall asleep faster.


You should consume fishes like Salmon, Halibut and Tuna. These fishes have sleep inducing properties because of the capacity to produce melatonin. These fishes can easily blend in your body and induce you with proper sleep. You should ensure that you consume at least one of these fishes, three times in a week. Apart from inducing sleep, these fishes also contain Vitamin B6 and hence, this will help you to avoid other health concerns.


Almonds are known for the high quantity of magnesium that it offers to your body. Lack of magnesium leads to sleep problems. You should consume at least 4-5 almonds on daily basis. You will be able to see the results faster if you consume almonds in empty stomach. This will also help you to keep the digestion problems at bay. Almonds are one of the best foods that you can consume as you can munch it and there won’t be any side-effects to it.

Jasmine Rice

Replace your long grain rice with Jasmine Rice. Jasmine rice contains more carbohydrates than that of the regular long grain rice. If you are struggling hard to sleep then you can consume Jasmine rice along with vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates. If you want make your dinner more tasty then you can add some tomato sauce to it. This dinner will ensure that a good quantity of amino acids reaches your brain and hence, you can fall asleep faster.

Tart Cherry Juice

Tart Cherry juice actually works as a medication for people who are suffering from insomnia. Tart Cherry is rich in melatonin and hence, you can try this to induce sleep faster. You should consume at least two glasses of tart cherry juice on daily basis to see the results. You will be able to see the results immediately. Doctors recommend insomniac patients to consume a glass of tart cherry juice before going to bed.

Dairy Products

You might have come across elders who say that you should consume warm milk, before going to bed, so that you can sleep fast. The fact is that you can consume any diary product if you are willing to sleep fast. You can consume dairy products like cheese and crackers, milk and yoghurt. The dairy products contain tryptophan and this is used by the brain to produce melatonin. Dairy products also contain calcium and hence, your muscles and bones will also be strong.


Add some extra lettuce to your salad so that you can sleep fast. Lettuce contains Lactucarium. Lactucarium is sedative in nature and the properties of lactucarium are similar to that of opium. These sedative properties will sedate your brain and hence, you can sleep peacefully at night. To avoid lack of sleep, you can include lettuce at least three times in a week.


Bananas are good source of potassium and vitamin B6. Potassium and Vitamin B6 is responsible for the production of melatonin. After your lunch and dinner, you can have one banana. You can have warm milk and banana together so that you can sleep peacefully. This can be done on days when you are planning to skip dinner. This is healthy and you can have a good night sleep too.


You all may like to have cereals so you can have this before going to bed. Consumption of cereals will supply your body with high levels of Vitamin B6 and calcium. Vitamin B6 and calcium together produces melatonin. You can have 100 grams of cereals on daily basis, before going to bed so that you can sleep tight.


Honey should be consumed before going to bed. This will increase the level of insulin and hence, tryptophan can easily enter your brain. Before going to bed, you can consume one teaspoon of honey so that you can sleep peacefully at night.

Sangeeta P:
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