11 Healthy Foods To Add To Your Diet

Healthy Foods To Add To Your Diet

Eating healthy could be a challenging thing, but eating healthy on a budget is something like impossible. However, this is nothing to worry when you get to know about the inexpensive foods that are absolutely healthy and nutritious. Add these foods to your diet to cut down the costs and you can still have a nutritious and healthy diet. Once you start eliminating the processed foods and start investing for your healthy food, you might be surprised by your grocer’s bill, in a better way. So, you need to know about these inexpensive healthy foods before including them in your diet regimen.

Here Are 11 Healthy Foods To Add To Your Diet


Oats are so good for your health because they contain a healthy amount of fiber. So, include oats in your diet regime to provide your body with a good amount of soluble fiber. Few research studies have mentioned that people who intake foods rich in soluble fiber have lesser LDL cholesterol. Also, cooking oats is really easy. So, include this inexpensive yet nutritious food in your diet.


Green Tea

Green tea is a budget-friendly addition to your diet which is super healthy as well. Green tea contains lots of health benefits. Both black tea and green tea contains toxins that contain a bunch of antioxidants which help promote heart health and enhance your immune system as well. So, include this inexpensive beverage in your diet and reap all its health benefits.

Green tea


This nutrient-rich inexpensive food provides you with lots of health benefits. The egg whites are protein-based i.e. one egg white can serve around 4gm of protein. The yellow yolk contains lutein, zeaxanthin, and some vitamin D as well. Including this superfood in your diet could cut down the risks of macular degeneration. Apart from its nutritional benefits, eggs contain only 85 calories.



Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable and a diet which contains lots of such cruciferous veggies could help in lessening the risks of cancer. Cabbage contains a good amount of vitamin K, C, fiber, and detoxifying sulfur components as well. Red cabbage, in particular, has 22 calories and contains anthocyanins that are good for your heart health.



Similar to beans, lentils contain around 8gm of fiber and 9gm of protein per half cup, thus making them good for your heart health. They can be cooked easily and including this healthy food in your diet is an easy way to get all the essential nutrients from this superfood.



Salmon tops the chart when it comes to providing a good amount of omega 3s. However, tuna is equally healthy and nutritious as well and provides you with a healthy amount of omega 3s. However, pick such varieties of tuna which are low in mercury. Consuming this healthy food twice a week is good for your health and doesn’t pinch your pocket heavily as well.



Kale is a cruciferous veggie similar to cabbage and one serving of kale could provide 10 times more than the required amount of vitamin K, a nutrient essential for the bone health. Kale chips are absolutely delicious and nutritious and contain nearly three times the recommended dose of lutein, Vitamin A, and zeaxanthin. Indulge this super tasty food in your diet and get the maximum nutritional benefits from it.



Oranges contain a good amount of vitamin C and nearly 3gm of fiber apart from other nutrients. It has nearly 70 calories. Drinking a glass of fresh orange juice daily can provide you with lots of nutrients to kick start your day. Also, beta-carotene found in oranges could help enhance your vision as well. Add this delicious and inexpensive fruit in your diet.



Apple doesn’t have a lot of minerals or vitamins to boast about but is beneficial for your heart. Few research studies have even reported that people who ate two apples daily had a great improvement in their heart health. It could be due to the amazing combination of the polyphenols and pectin that makes apples too good for you.



Carrots contain a mega dose of beta-carotene and this superfood could deliver 4 times the daily dose of vitamin A that is essential for your bone health and improved immune functioning. It even contains a good amount of fiber as well which needs a special mention. Include this inexpensive superfood in your diet either in the salads or smoothies to get the best out of it.



Almonds contain a good amount of vitamin E, fiber, folate, and calcium as well. One serving of almonds contains nearly the equivalent amount of flavonoids found in a cup of green tea. So, include a few almonds in your regular diet to get all its nutritional benefits.
