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Fever is the most common raise of temperature in the body. It acts as a protective mechanism of the body against any sort of infection. This elevation in the body temperature occurs when our body immune system is fighting against virus and bacteria which could affect our body. Normal human body temperature ranges from 97-99 degree Fahrenheit, it varies throughout the day as per out physical activity. Body temperature above 100 degree Fahrenheit leads to fever. Though there is a wide range of over the counter medicines for fever, it needs a lot of time to get cured.
Here Are Some Top Home Remedies To Cure Fever:
Mix Of Lemon And Ginger Juice, And Raw Honey
Add a few drops of lemon juice and ginger juice with 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink this mixture twice a day. It relieves the symptoms of fever within short duration of time. Sleeplessness and sore throat are the most common issues of fever. Honey helps to fight against infection causing bacteria.
Tomato Juice And Cinnamon
Accumulation of unwanted toxins is the major cause of fever. Tomato juice and cinnamon have rich antioxidant content which helps to remove unwanted toxins from the body and removes free radicals as well. Consume this mixture twice a day.
Bath With Lukewarm Water
Take a bath in warm water. It gives you relaxation from tiredness. If you don’t want to take a bath, then you can wash your hands and face with warm water. This provides quite a relief from normal fever.
Consume Mint Tea
Mint has a rich amount of cooling content. By drinking mint thrice a day, it internally helps to cool your body temperature as it absorbs excess heat from the body.
Consume Herbal Tea (turmeric, ginger, onion, pepper, and basil)
This is one of the effective home remedy to get cured of fever. Prepare a cup of decoction by boiling water and add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, chopped ginger pieces, onion pieces, pepper and basil leaves. Drink this decoction thrice a day. You will be completely cured from fever within two days.
Take Preventative Measure
If you are feeling too cold, then keep off the fans. This provides you comfort to certain extent. Don’t bundle yourself with blankets and heavy cloths. This will make your fever lasts for a longer duration of time. So sleep and take rest.
Take Orange
Oranges are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants as well. It strengthens your immune system and also fights against infection in the most effective way. It removes unwanted toxins from the body. The flavor of orange helps to neutralize the bitter taste of the tongue caused due to fever.
Apply Cool Cloth To Forehead
Immerse the clean cloth in a bowl of ice cubes and keep it on the forehead. It absorbs the body heat and gives you relaxed and comfortable feeling. Don’t ever try these children, whereas you can try this for younger children suffering from fever until their body temperature lowers.
Mix Of Saffron Powder And Boiling Water
This works at its best to treat fever. Add a half teaspoon of saffron powder to boiling water. Once the solution is cooled, strain it. Person suffering from fever should drink this mixture for every one hour.
Consume Fenugreek Tea
Prepare a tea using fenugreek seeds. It just not only gives soothing effect for the purpose, suffering from sore throat and fever, it also helps to remove mucus content from the body.
Consume Grape Juice
Grape is rich in vitamin C and increases immune power of the body. As such, it protects the body against all sorts of infection, cold and fever. They work as powerful antiseptic, which helps to kill bacteria and virus that is responsible for causing fever.