12 Best Home Remedies For Bloody Noses In Children

12 Best Home Remedies For Bloody Noses In Children12 Best Home Remedies For Bloody Noses In Children

Bloody nose, or nosebleeds, are commonly seen in children between ages three and ten. Do not panic if you see your child’s bloody nose; it is rarely dangerous. Instead, take good home care and try to understand what has caused the bleeding. The blood vessels in the nose perform the function of heating and humidifying the air one breathes. These vessels are on the surface and susceptible to injuries.

When a child blows the nose hard due to a cold, picks the nose, or inserts a foreign object inside, it could result in a bloody nose. Allergy season is a common time for nosebleeds in most children. If you live in a dry climate, your child may experience episodes of bloody nose quite often due to the dryness in the air. Some medications can also cause nose bleeding. The bleeding could be from one or both the nostrils. These home remedies will help treat the nosebleeds and also prevent future occurrences.

Home Remedies For Bloody Nose:

Reassure Your Child

Most of the nosebleeds in children are due to common reasons and not very serious. The child naturally starts crying on seeing the blood. This worsens the bleeding as the act of crying increases the blood flow to the child’s face. Stay calm and reassure your child. Convey the message that it’s just a small thing and you will take care of it easily. Also, check for any foreign objects in your child’s nostrils.

Reassure Your ChildReassure Your Child

Stop The Bleeding

The most important thing to do, if your child has a bloody nose, is to stop the bleeding. Let the child sit upright on a chair. You should tilt the head slightly forward and pinch the nose at the bony ridge.You need to hold on and apply pressure for at least five minutes. The bleeding should stop now. In case, it the bleeding does not stop, Apply pressure at another area. This should do the trick.

Apply Ice

Ice helps cool the nasal membranes and causes coagulation of the blood. You should take some ice wrapped in a cloth and apply to the child’s nose. A caution: the head should never be tilted back as the child may swallow and choke on the blood. If the nose bleeding is due to a head injury, you should make it a point to check it with your doctor.

Lemon Juice

Lemon contains effective antiseptic properties which help in coagulating blood. If your child has a bloody nose, just put a few drops of lemon juice in the nostrils. This will help clot the bleeding nerve ends faster, and stop the nose bleeding within no time.

Breathe Through The Mouth

Ask your child to breathe through the mouth for some time. This will help prevent further damage to nerves in the nose, which have burst and resulted in bleeding. After the ice treatment is over, and the bleeding has stopped completely, you can allow your child to breathe normally through the nose.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful astringent and helps stop the bleeding in the nose. If your child has a bloody nose, just take a clean cotton ball and dip it in some diluted apple cider vinegar.Lightly insert it into the nostril, but ask the child to breathe with the mouth till this cotton ball is in the nostril. This will help the blood to clot faster and treat the bloody nose in a very short time.

Vitamin K Rich Foods

Vitamin K plays a very crucial role in the blood clotting process. Include lots of vitamin K rich foods like dark leafy vegetables, barley, oats, raw dairy butter and raw cheese, etc in your child’s daily meals.

Saline Nasal Rinse

Most of the times your child’s bloody nose is due the dryness of the membrane lining the nose. This is especially seen in children who live in places with very hot or cold climates, or where the humidity levels in the air are very low. Salt water treatment is very effective in these cases.Just add a pinch of salt to some water and insert a few drops of this saline water in the child’s nose. This helps prevent the dryness in the nose and treats the bloody nose in children very effectively. Such a simple home remedy to try!

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12 Top Home Remedies For Nose Bleeding

Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Vitamin C is essential in maintaining the health of the blood capillaries. Let your child eat plenty of vitamin rich foods, such as citrus fruits, apples, berries, etc. as it helps strengthen the capillaries in your child’s nose, thus preventing nosebleeds.Fruit juices and smoothies are easy to tempt your child with. Just find some innovative ways to make the child eat all these beneficial fruits.

Use A Humidifier

If your child is suffering from bloody nose constantly, it could be due to the dry air in your home. This is especially true in places where the air humidity levels are very low. Use a humidifier in the child’s room so that the air remains sufficiently moisturized. This will prevent occurrences of nose bleeds in your child.

Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry, or gooseberry, juice is a very effective treatment for bloody noses in children. Put a few drops of freshly extracted gooseberry juice in the child’s nose. The Indian gooseberry juice is rich in vitamin C and acts as a natural antioxidant. It helps repair the damage caused to the cells and tissues of the body.This property of this potent juice is very beneficial in treating a bloody nose. If your child is suffering from recurring cold and flu conditions, resulting in nose bleeding due to heavy blowing of the nose, drinking gooseberry juice regularly will reduce these infections in your child.

Wet Towel Treatment

This is another simple yet effective home treatment for a bloody nose in your child. Take a small, clean towel and dip it in a bowl of cool water. Remember, you don’t have to use ice cold water, just use plain cool water at room temperature.Put the towel on the child’s head. Let it remain for a while, then again dip in water and apply. Doing this for ten to fifteen minutes stops the nose bleeding completely.

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