13 Effective Remedies For Dizziness

The modern world is full of a number of harmful health problems and one of the problems that are faced by a lot of people is the problem of dizziness. This problem can be a result of lot of other health issues including blood pressure problems, heart diseases, allergies, infection, heart stroke, anxiety, injuries, low blood sugar level, migraine etc. Not only this, small problems like dehydration, stress, hormonal problems etc also result into dizziness. Dizziness is characterised by the sense of light headedness, loss of balance, motion problems, head ache, visionary problems, chest pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness etc. It is very important to notice these signs and treat the problem otherwise the frequency of occurrence of this problem can increase.

Here Are The Useful Home Remedies That You Should Use In To Cure Dizziness:


As already mentioned loss of water or dehydration is one of major reasons for the dizziness problem to occur. It is therefore advisable to consume plenty of water each and every in order to meet the body’s requirement.

Grab Something To Eat

A decrease in the body’s blood sugar level is also a main reason for dizziness to occur. Therefore it is very important to notice the warning signs of dizziness in order to prevent the attack. In order to successfully combat the problem it is advisable to eat something as you notice any of the sign and it is also advisable to avoid being hungry for longer hours in order to prevent the risk of dizziness.


It is one of the very useful home remedies to prevent dizziness attacks. It helps in improving the blood flow to the brain and prevents the symptoms like nausea and vomiting. All you have to do is to chew some raw pieces of ginger in order to get the benefits.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is very useful in treating the problem of dizziness. The natural content of lemon helps in increasing the immunity of the body and prevents the problems like nausea, vomiting, head ache etc. It is therefore advisable to consume lemon juice regularly in order to completely treat the problem.

Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C which helps in increasing the body’s immunity and prevents the risk of occurrence of dizziness. Not only this, it also helps in increasing the blood flow in the body which in turn reduces the intensity of the problem. It is therefore highly recommended to mix some Indian gooseberry powder in water and consume the mixture every day to get the benefits.


Honey is very effective in increasing the blood sugar level and helps in preventing the occurrence of dizziness. Not only this, it acts as an instant energizer and helps in overcoming the symptoms of dizziness very effectively. All you need is to consume some raw honey every day to get the benefits.

Iron Rich Foods

Low blood pressure is a common reason for dizziness problem and it is therefore advisable to add iron rich food items to your daily routine in order to combat it effectively. You can get the required amount of iron from spinach, tofu, lentils, almonds etc.


One of the best ways to completely treat the problem of dizziness is to start regular exercise. It helps in improving the blood flow in the body and prevents the occurrence of it in the first stage itself.


Regular massage is also recommended as it helps in improving the blood circulation in the body and increase the blood flow towards the brain which in turn is very beneficial for preventing dizziness attacks.

Fever Few

Fever few is very useful in controlling the symptom of dizziness. It treats symptoms like nausea, vomiting etc very effectively. In order to use this remedy you have to boil fever few leaves in water and consume the solution 3 to 4 times in order to get relief.

Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds are also very effective way to treat the dizziness problem. All you have to do is to soak some coriander seeds in water for one whole night followed by consuming the solution. Regular consumption of the solution prevents the reoccurrence of dizziness very effectively.

Salt And Mustard

Prepare a mixture of mustard and salt and add some vinegar as well. Consume the mixture regularly in order to prevent dizziness effectively.


Several studies have proved the effectiveness of yogurt in treating the symptoms of dizziness. It is therefore highly advisable to consume a bowl of yogurt every day in order to get relief from the symptoms effectively.

Follow these remedies regularly in order to prevent the reoccurrence of dizziness effectively.

Divya Madaan:
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