13 Foods Which Trigger Breakout Or Acne-Food

Acne is an important disease related to skin in the entire world, that means it will be going to affect eighty five percent of humans at some or the other time in our lifetime. Being educated and informed on acne as well as different type of treatments are necessary for everybody. Numerous studies have made for finding what exactly what type of food may cause acne. But, there is no evidence that food may cause acne, allergies from food is to be looked for causing acne that will consist of different food, thus, some of the food allergies may lead to the deadly reaction as well as swelling in the skin.

It is quite common to believe that acne can be caused by using the dairy products that also includes pasteurized milk, cheddar cheese, milk of cow and goat, cheese, margarine and many more. Other than that, few food products may also cause allergy to people and affect their akin and cause acne. Following are the foods that are responsible for acne and are-

Dairy products

Most of the researchers argue that many dairy products will show negative effects on skin, milk being the important dairy product and is a main cause of breaking out of the acne.

Red Meat

There are many cases where people are quite allergic of red meat and it is the main reason of acne breakout. Proteins obtained from animals are not as easy to digest as the vegetables can.


Egg is a most popular food allergen which may cause acne. Yolk of egg is considered as a problematic, so lover of egg can still feel about the thrill of white eggs.

Processed foods

The food contains numerous preservatives as well as additives that are not suitable for the skin. They also contain toxins which will operate the breakouts of acne. Artificial sweeteners may also be dangerous for the skin acne prone.


The food made from grains easily convert in the sugar once they are consumed, thus, making such food not suitable for the skin that is acne prone. Many bacteria along with the parasites that are the main reason of acne as well as the skin rashes fees over them. Therefore, try to avoid the products that are made out of grains such as bread, biscuits, pasta and many more.


It is contained in food such as chocolates, tea, cola drinks, and in coffee, thus, such foods are known for causing acne. Caffeine helps in increasing hormone that produce and will lead a serious acne breakout.


Those who are in the habit of taking excessive alcohol will suffer from the lack of sleep that is adequate, constipation, stomach disorder, stress just due to mental tension or the dandruff in hairs and many more.

Due to vitamin A

Fishes, liver are the natural sources of vitamin A, although conscious that excessive of taking vitamin A may be toxic. Vitamin A is also available in plants like lemons, orange along with vegetables like yams, cantaloupe, carrots as well as apricots; thus, who are not taking such notorious food may also suffer from the acne problem.


Eating lots of chocolate, candies as well as sweets may also be the reason of the problem related to the acne.


Due to some cosmetic or the beauty products one may also suffer from the acne problems. Thus, one has to be very careful about such products and check before using it whether they are made from the herbal products.

Rough scrubbing

The acne also occurred just due to the rough scrubbing.

Hormonal changes

When the changes occurred in the body during puberty, menopause, and menstruation, etc. acne may also occur in most of the people.

Exposing the skin

Exposing skin to environmental pollutants, dirt, smoke as well as dust.

Rukmani Agrawal Jaiswal:
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