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Have you ever faced difficulty in eating due to the small sores in your mouth? Well this problem is quite common and the sores are known as canker sores. There are several reasons that favour the occurrence of these sores. Weak immunity, nutritional deficiencies, stress, hormonal changes, spicy foods etc are the major causes for canker sores. The common areas of occurrence include inner sides of cheeks, tongue, lips and gums. Canker sores get healed up automatically but then the pain and suffering they cause are unbearable. Here are some of the beneficial home remedies that one should use in order to treat canker sores effectively.
Following Home Remedies For Canker Sores:
Ice Packs
The use of ice ensures a complete relief from the pain and inflammation caused due to the problem. Not only this, it also helps in reducing the size of the sores. All you have to do is to apply some ice over the sore affected areas. Repeat the remedy as required in order to get complete relief.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gently soothes the sores and helps heal them. Not only this, the anti inflammatory properties of ale vera are very useful in getting rid of inflammation. Moreover the anti bacterial properties effectively prevent the risk of further infection. It is therefore highly advisable to apply some ale vera gel over the affected areas to get relief.
Cayenne Pepper Powder
Cayenne pepper powder is rich in anti inflammatory properties thanks to the capsaicin content which effectively reduces the pain and inflammation caused due to canker sores. Just mix some cayenne pepper powder to water and consume twice a day to get relief from the sores.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is rich in anti bacterial and anti microbial properties which help in minimising the risk of further infection. Not only this, the effective anti inflammatory properties helps in getting rid of the pain and inflammation. Use a cotton ball to apply some tea tree oil over the affected area to get relief.
Yogurt contains a lot of healthy bacteria that helps in a faster recovery from canker sores. Consumption of yogurt helps in reducing the pain and inflammation very effectively. It is therefore advisable to add a bowl of yogurt to your daily routine to get the benefits.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is very effective in treating canker sores. First of all, the anti inflammatory properties of baking soda help in reducing the inflammation. Next, the anti microbial properties protect from the risk of further infection and finally the healing properties of baking soda help in a faster healing. All you have to do is to mix some baking soda with water to make a paste and apply it over the affected areas to get relief.
Honey And Coconut Milk
Mixture of honey and coconut milk acts as a soothing remedy for the problem of canker sores. It helps in providing relief from the pain very effectively. Just follow this remedy 3 to 4 times to get complete relief.
Garlic is rich in anti inflammatory, anti microbial and anti bacterial properties. All of them help in a faster recovery from the problem. Therefore it is advisable to consume more garlic in order to get relief.
Indian Goose Berries
Indian goose berries are loaded with vitamin c which is very useful in improving the overall immunity of the body. Regular consumption of Indian goose berry powder helps in preventing the reoccurrence of canker sores.
Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
Hydrogen peroxide solution is also very effective in getting relief from the pain and inflammation caused due to canker sores. All you need is to prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and use it for swishing your mouth several times in a day to get rid from canker sores.
Tea Bags
Tea bags are rich in tannic acid that acts as an anti inflammatory substance which is quite effective in providing relief from the inflammation. It is therefore advisable to apply a soaked tea bag over the affected areas to get relief. You can repeat this remedy several times to get relief.
Plum Juice
Plum juice is also very effective in providing relief from the pain and inflammation caused due to canker sores. It is advisable to use plum juice as a mouth wash to get rid of the problem. Do this for 2 – 3 minutes several times in a day.
Alum can be used to treat the problem of canker sores very effectively. It reduces pain and inflammation and prevents the reoccurrence as well. Apply alum paste over the sores twice a day to get relief.