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High blood pressure is a common health problem. Although the exact cause of hypertension is often unclear, sedentary lifestyle, wrong diet, excess body weight, genetics and stress are often associated with high blood pressure. A low sodium diet and other healthy dietary choices can bring down high blood pressure level to the normal range naturally.Consuming foods that provide minerals and nutrients that help in easing dilation of the blood vessels is widely recommended for lowering the high blood pressure level naturally.
To Control Your Blood Pressure Level, Consider Including The Following Super Foods In Your Diet:
To bring down your high blood pressure level, eat two bananas daily. Studies have shown that bananas are sources of natural compounds that work in the same way as the blood pressure lowering ACE-inhibitor medications. In addition, banana is an excellent source of potassium, which works with other electrolytes in maintaining the normal fluid balance for restoring the normal blood pressure level.
Beetroot is a valuable source of nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide that helps in dilating the blood vessels that brings down the blood pressure level naturally. To reap the maximum benefit of the blood pressure lowering compounds present in beetroot, eat the vegetable raw with the skin.
To lower high blood pressure level naturally, eat two large slices of watermelon daily. Certain amino acids found in watermelon help in producing nitric oxide that assists in relaxing the blood vessels.
Flavonoids and other compounds found in blueberry stimulate production of nitric oxide. To reduce the blood pressure level and ease blood circulation naturally, consider consuming a cup of fresh blueberries.
Milk And Dairy
Consuming two servings of low fat milk and dairy daily can protect you from hypertension. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium and potassium that help in controlling the blood pressure level. In addition, milk contains amino acids called bioactive peptides that are involved in blood pressure regulation.
Beans are valuable sources of calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are essential for controlling the blood pressure level.
The leafy green vegetables provide calcium, potassium and magnesium, minerals required for reducing the high blood pressure level. In addition, spinach contains certain peptides that by inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) help in dilating the blood vessels.
Baked Potato
Potato is an excellent source of potassium, which is essential for eliminating the excess sodium from the body. It also contains magnesium, which protects the blood vessels and helps in thinning the blood.
Loaded with potassium, avocado is the ideal food for people suffering from high blood pressure. Studies suggest low potassium intake as one of the key causes of hypertension. Apart from negating the effect of sodium, avocado also provides healthy fats that help in maintaining the optimal health of the cardiovascular system.
Dark Chocolate
Cocoa contains antioxidant compounds called flavanols that according to studies cause modest reduction in the blood pressure level. They promote generation of nitric oxide, which helps in relaxing the walls of the blood vessels.
Broccoli And Cauliflower
Broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables contain sulforaphane, a powerful blood pressure lowering compound. In addition, these vegetables are good sources of the blood pressure regulating minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Red Wine
Drinking red wine in moderation helps in controlling the blood pressure level. The blood pressure lowering property of red wine is attributed to the antioxidant polyphenols found in the skin of red grapes that are fermented to produce the wine.
Whole Grains
Eating whole grains daily can help in maintaining normal blood pressure level. Whole grains are valuable sources of potassium and magnesium. The nutrients in whole grain are also good for the health of the cardiovascular system.