2 Ways To Prevent Iron Deficiency With Jaggery

2 Ways To Prevent Iron Deficiency With Jaggery

Jaggery is made by boiling and solidifying raw sugarcane or date palm juice. This is an unrefined form of sugar. However, it is a healthier alternative to table sugar. Unlike sugar, jaggery does not provide empty calories. It is rich in nutrients and hence is a healthy option for sweetening your dishes. Apart from its culinary uses, jaggery is used in the Indian folk medicines as a remedy for anemia.

Jaggery is a good source of iron. Your body needs iron to build hemoglobin. Iron deficiency causes anemia, which is a common cause of weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath and pale skin. In children, iron deficiency slows down physical development and is a common cause of poor memory and academic performance. Jaggery, apart from being a natural source of iron, according to the traditional Indian medicine, helps in improving the bioavailability of other nutrients and boosts the effectiveness of medicines that help in increasing the hemoglobin level in the blood.

Here Are 2 Ways To Prevent Iron Deficiency With Jaggery

Jaggery With Chickpeas

Traditionally, jaggery is eaten along with chickpeas to prevent iron deficiency. Chickpea is a good source of iron and folate, the two nutrients essential for building red blood cells. Folate deficiency too leads to anemia. Moreover, chickpea is a rich source of protein and helps in overcoming fatigue, which is a common symptom of anemia. The jaggery and chickpea mixture can be taken as a natural alternative to iron and folic acid supplements.

Jaggery With Chickpeas

How To Take

Soak a handful of chickpeas in water overnight. In the morning, mix the chickpeas with two to three tablespoons of jaggery and eat the mixture in the morning, preferably on empty stomach.

Jaggery And Dried Ginger

Folk healers often recommend taking jaggery along with dried ginger to prevent iron deficiency and treat anemia. While jaggery provides iron, ginger aids iron absorption. Furthermore, experimental studies suggest that ginger contains certain bioactive components that support formation of red blood cells. Studies have shown that ginger is highly effective in treating anemia caused by kidney diseases and chemotherapy.

Jaggery And Dried Ginger

How To Take

You will need 3 grams of jaggery, 500 mg of dried ginger powder and 250 mg of ground black pepper. Ground the jaggery into fine powder and mix it with the other two ingredients. Take a teaspoon of the mixture after each meal, thrice daily.