4 Ways To Use Burdock Root For Joint Pain Relief

Burdock Root For Joint Pain Relief

Joint pains are common among several people, mostly among the older ones. It can be a mild or a chronic condition which affects your lifestyle. Joints are the connections that join our bones and aid in movement. However, pain in the joint can impact your quality of life. There are several reasons for joint pain such as arthritis, bursitis, injuries, or several other conditions.

Undergoing medical treatments and taking medications could be helpful in providing relief from joint pains. Moreover, anti-inflammatory herbs such as burdock root might be helpful in dealing with joint pains as well. Burdock root is being used since antiquity for both internal and external purpose in dealing with joint pains.

Here Are The Easy Ways To Use Burdock Root For Joint Pain Relief:

Consume Burdock Root Tea:

Drinking burdock root tea or decoction regularly might be beneficial in reducing the joint pains. Add one tbsp. of dried burdock root or three tbsp. of freshly chopped burdock root to three cups of filtered water in a bowl placed on the flame. Allow it to boil and then let it simmer for half an hour. Steep the decoction for 20 more minutes. Strain the decoction and consume it warm. For best results, you need to consume three cups of burdock root decoction regularly.

Consume Burdock Root Tea

In The Form Of Juices, Stir-fries, And Soups:

You can juice a raw burdock root or consume it in the form of tincture. You can even add this amazing herb in your favorite soup recipes as well or cut it into small pieces and cook it in stir-fry style.

In The Form Of Juices, Stir-fries, And Soups

Topical Application On The Affected Area:

To apply this herb topically on the affected area, soften this burdock root in warm water. Wrap this softened root in a cloth and use it to apply topically on the affected area. This process might help reduce the joint pains.

Topical application on the affected area

Eaten In The Form Of A Veggie:

Burdock root is known as poor man’s potato and hence it can be eaten raw as a vegetable. You can also serve it with your salads as well. This remedy could be beneficial in getting relieved from the joint pains.

Eaten in the form of a veggie