5 Amazing Coconut Oil Skin Care Home Recipes

Coconut Oil Skin Care Home Recipes

There are so many amazing things that you can do with coconut oil. One of the best is skin care. You will be surprised to see how easy the regimen is with coconut oil. You can combine them with some other ingredients to provide you the perfect recipe for your skin. Be it as a lotion, scrub or even as a moisturizer, here are cool recipes for coconut that can be used on the skin.

These Are Coconut Oil Skin Care Home Recipes

Coconut Oil Body Scrub

For making the coconut oil body scrub you will need about 1/4 cup of sugar and sea salt along with 1 cup of coconut oil. Now this can be frozen well so you don’t have to worry about making it again and again. You can also add some essential oils of your choice here to create the perfect scrub. Mix the coconut oil in a clean and sterilized jar with the sea salt and sugar. Now add the choice of essential oils that you like, could be tea tree or any other. Seal the jar well and store in the refrigerator or any cool place.

Coconut Oil Body Scrub

How To Use

Before having a bath, massage and scrub the body well using this scrub. You will not only get rid of dead skin cells but also nourish the skin. Rinse off after 10 minutes under a warm shower.

Coconut Oil Lip Balm

A common skin problem is not having lips that are pink in color and soft. Coconut oil is the perfect solution here. It nourishes the lips and also helps in getting back the pink color that chemicals take away. For this you will need about 1 tablespoon grated beeswax and extra virgin coconut oil each. You can also use beeswax pastilles. You also need about 2 capsules of vitamin e and some organic honey. Heat the beeswax and coconut oil over low heat. Then add the honey and vitamin E capsules. Set in a small container that can be carried with ease. Use as desired.

Coconut Oil Lip Balm

Coconut Oil Body Cream

Coconut body cream is made using coconut oil. It is ideal for the summer months because it nourishes the skin while soothing it. You need 1/4 cup coconut oil for the same along with 1/8 cp of shea butter and cocoa butter each. You have to add 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice along with sweet almond oil. Also add few drops of lavender oil to it for fragrance. Heat together the butters and oil till they melt. When cooled, add the remaining ingredients and store in a clean jar. Apply as needed and no need to rinse off.

Coconut Oil Body Cream

Coconut Oil Astringent For Tan Removal

A lot of people face the problem of removing tan the natural way. During the summer months especially coconut oil works wonders in getting rid of tan, soothing the skin and providing relief from sunburn. For this recipe, mix together about 3 spoons of coconut oil with some lime juice and cucumber juice. You can also use tomato juice here.

Coconut Oil Astringent For Tan Removal

How to Use

Apply the lotion all over the body and let it stay for at least half an hour. Then wash off with cold water.

Coconut Oil Soap

You need about one small cup of castile soap or even a bar will do. You will also require 1/2 tbsp glycerin along with 4 cups water and 1/2 cup pure coconut oil. Melt all the ingredients over low heat. Once mixed, you can store it in a neat container. It will not lather much but works wonders for the skin.

Coconut Oil Soap

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