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Constipation is a very common condition in which the person experiences hard stools, and infrequent bowel movements (less than one per day) accompanied with strain. Since it is a chronic condition, it can be effectively discarded with a diet that is rich in vitamins.
However, one should keep away from beef though it contains some vitamin as it causes constipation.Here are some of the best vitamins that keep constipation at bay.
Top 5 Vitamins For Constipation
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural laxative and is highly beneficial when taken in an empty stomach. Vitamin C helps in moving food particles more smoothly along the digestive tract. The human body requires only a certain amount of vitamin C on daily basis and the excess amount remains unabsorbed in the gut.
This excess amount modifies the manner in which fluid exchange takes place and results in a laxative effect. One can take foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, guava, capsicum, etc. or consume it as a mixture with grapefruit juice and powdered form of magnesium oxide. However, one should regulate the amount of vitamin C taken on a daily basis since it tends to cause diarrhea and kidney stones when taken in excessive amounts.
Vitamin C dosage for improving bowel movements should always be less than bowel tolerance (exceeding the bowel tolerance limit will result in bloating, gas, diarrhea, etc.). One should include 4000mg of vitamin C initially to the diet and add extra 1000mg every four days. This dose should be decreased when bowel tolerance is reached indicated by loose stool.
Vitamin B5
Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 when taken along with certain other nutrients (called nutritional laxatives) relieves from constipation. Vitamin B5 ensures consistent action of walls of the intestine and hence keeps constipation at bay. It stimulates peristalsis (muscular contractions in digestive tract) and hence cures constipation.
It produces neurotransmitter acetylcholine being coenzyme A’s component. Since acetylcholine plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of intestinal tract and ensures rhythmic movements in the nerves of colon, it helps in moving food smoothly through the intestines. Some of the good food sources of vitamin B5 are Shiitake mushrooms, whey, bran, liver, sunflower seeds, cheese, fish, etc.
Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 or folic acid, forms an integral part of various multivitamins and helps in relieving constipation. Since it is rich in fiber, it ensures smooth and regular bowel movements thereby alleviating conditions such as constipation. It also increases the bowel’s ability to absorb essential nutrients.Hence, it is helpful against similar disorders such as ulcerative colitis, kidney failure, liver issues, etc. Some good food sources of vitamin B9 are milk. peas, carrots, oranges, broccoli, turnip, etc. It is also found in fortified cereals, bread and rice.
Vitamin B12
This particular vitamin too plays a great role in inducing constipation and other digestive disorders in people though in an indirect manner. Vitamin B12 deficiency renders the body incapable of producing enough red blood cells and hence leads to anemia.As you become older and the blood gets weaker in the absence of sufficient red blood cells, anemia gets worse and sets in related symptoms and disorders such as diarrhea, fatigue, upset stomach and constipation. Foods rich in vitamin B12 include eggs, meat, milk and dairy, apples, flaxseed oil, etc.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 or thiamine ensures proper functioning of digestive system. It regulates hydrochloric acid production and hence ensures proper maintenance of the digestive system. Vitamin B1 deficiency results in various other digestive disorders apart from constipation. These are loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, etc. Some of the best food sources of vitamin B1 are wheat germ, apricot, soyabean, mustard, pistachios, macadamia nuts, and whole grains.