5 Excellent Herbal Remedies For Infertility Disorders

Infertility can be unnerving to couples and can bring about a distortion in conjugal life. Infertility can be caused by various factors such as hormonal imbalance, insufficient production of hormones, insufficient lutenizing hormone, high prolactin levels, anovulatory cycles, endometriosis, PCOS, physical blockage, poor diet, exposure to toxins, etc.

Infertility Disorders

Intensive fertility treatments have become unpopular over the years and lifestyle and dietary changes have taken an upperground.

Excellent Herbal Remedies For Infertility Disorders

Black Cohosh

Native to North America, this herb has been in use as treatment for female debility and as a uterine as well as heart tonic. Black cohosh aids in regularizing menstrual period, promotes uterine tone, and helps in shedding of uterine lining.

It also prevents infertility disorders caused by painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea. It also reduces uterine contractions that may lead to miscarriage. This herb is excellent in healing ovarian cysts and fibroids and hence prevents related infertility.

Black Cohosh

Red Raspberry

This particular herb has been quite popular among midwives as a tonic both for pregnancy and labor. It is more popular as a tonic for preparation for pregnancy. Infertility disorders arising due to excessive menstrual bleeding and uterine weakness can be cured by red raspberry.

However, one should avoid using this herb after ovulation when the active part of conception starts. It helps in faster healing of the uterus after treatment of cysts, fibroids, and endometrial tissues. Red raspberry acts as a tonic for uterus and helps in faster recovery. It prepares the uterus for pregnancy and boosts nutritional intake.

Red Raspberry

Dong Quai

Used in ancient China as a blood tonic, dong quai helps in blood circulation and relieves menstruation problems arising due to poor circulation. It alleviates infertility disorders by toning and strengthening the uterus by regulating menstrual cycle, improving uterine tone and regulating hormonal levels.

By increasing blood flow to female reproductive system, dong quai alleviates issues of stagnation such as PCOS, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc.

Dong Quai


This particular herb is well known across the globe because it promotes vitality and restores fertility. It restores fertility not only in women but also in men. Because of its adaptogenic properties, maca root keeps diseases and stress at bay, balances bodily functions and supports adrenal glands. It nourishes and stimulates hypothalamus, thereby regulating the pituitary gland and restoring balance in the hormonal system.

Proper functioning of the pituitary gland balances endocrine system since pituitary gland controls output of hormone from all other glands. Maca ,basically, controls estrogen levels in the body. Excess estrogen prevents pregnancy in women and causes erectile dysfunction, low libido, and low production of semen in men. Maca also increases progesterone levels in women that is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. However, women should not continue its use during pregnancy.


Red Clover

It has always been known for its blood purifying properties. Besides, red clover is rich in variety of minerals and vitamins. It is this blood-purifying property of this herb that aids in pregnancy and detoxifies environmental pollutants that cause trouble in conception.

Due to proper circulation in various organs of the body, red clover relieves vaginal dryness by increasing cervical mucus. Red clover improves liver function which is also essential for restoring hormonal balance. In addition, red clover prevents cyclic acne in women.

Red Clover