5 Homemade Exfoliating Honey Aspirin Face Masks for Beautiful Skin

5 Homemade Exfoliating Honey Aspirin Face Masks for Beautiful Skin5 Homemade Exfoliating Honey Aspirin Face Masks for Beautiful Skin

Honey is best known as a natural sweetener while aspirin is a popular painkiller. But they are also known to work wonders for the skin. Aspirin is a source of salicylic acid, which when used topically works as an exfoliating agent. It helps in breaking down the dead skin cells, thereby assisting in improving cell turnover. The anti-inflammatory property of aspirin helps in fighting acne breakouts. Honey works as natural humectant. It absorbs moisture from the air and keeps the skin hydrated. It also works as a natural antibacterial agent. Therefore, it is considered effective for minimizing breakouts. By combining honey with aspirin you get a face mask that assists in exfoliation and reduces acne breakouts. It helps in fading blemishes and lightens the skin.

Here Are Some Simple Homemade Honey Aspirin Face Mask Recipes For Clear And Soft Skin:

1. Honey And Aspirin Face Mask:

This is the simplest way to make face mask by combining honey and aspirin. For this face mask you will need 5 to 7 aspirin tablets, one teaspoon organic honey and some distilled water. Dissolve the aspirin tablets in a small amount of water, enough to make a smooth thick paste. Combine the aspirin paste with honey. Spread the honey and aspirin paste on your face, focusing on the acne prone areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water. You can use this face mask twice a week.

2. Honey And Aspirin Face Mask With Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar helps in detoxifying the skin. It is known to help in maintaining the natural pH of the skin. Adding apple cider vinegar to the honey and aspirin face mask boosts its acne fighting effect. For this face mask you will need six aspirin tablets, one tablespoon honey and half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Dissolve the aspirin tablets in apple cider vinegar. Add honey and mix the ingredients well. On clean face, apply the mixture. Gently scrub the skin while applying the paste. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

3. Honey And Aspirin Face Mask With Yogurt:

Lactic acid in yogurt helps in sloughing off the dead skin cells. The milk fat in yogurt moisturizes the skin and reduces skin dryness. A honey, aspirin and yogurt face mask helps in fading blemishes and lightens the complexion. To prepare the face mask, you will need five aspirin tablets, one tablespoon of plain full fat yogurt and a tablespoon of organic honey. Crush the aspirin tablets. Mix the powdered aspirins with yogurt and honey. Spread the mixture on your face. Let the mask sit on your skin for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

4. Honey And Aspirin Face Mask With Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is known for its skin lightening property. It helps in fading dark spots and pigmentation. It is a rich source of the skin friendly vitamin C. To prepare the face mask you will need 3 to 6 aspirin tablets, a tablespoon of runny honey and freshly squeezed juice of a lemon. Crush the aspirin tablets and dissolve in the lemon juice. Add honey and combine them well. Apply the mask to your face. Wash off after 15 minutes.

5. Honey And Aspirin Face Mask With Tea Tree Oil:

The antibacterial property of tea tree oil helps in providing fast relief from breakouts. To get rid of the pesky zits, add few drops of tea tree oil to your honey and aspirin face mask. Crush 5 to 6 aspirin tablets and mix it with a teaspoon of water. Add a teaspoon of raw honey and mix the ingredients well. Add 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil and mix well. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

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