5 Most Effective Exercises For Lowering High Blood Pressure

5 Most Effective Exercises For Lowering High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a major health problem that affects millions of adult population throughout the world and is associated with risk of getting heart disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease and renal disease. Sedentary lifestyle and not getting enough exercise can be the major reasons for rise in blood pressure level. Including a regular exercise routine can make huge difference in lowering blood pressure. It makes your heart stronger. A stronger heart pumps blood more efficiently and allows your heart to work less and as a result pressure on your arteries decreases and lowers the blood pressure. In fact, exercise can be a drug-free approach towards controlling your blood pressure.

Types Of Exercises Best For Lowering Blood Pressure

 Cardiovascular or Aerobic Exercise

Any sustained body movement that makes your blood pump efficiently can be categorized under Aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise helps to lower your blood pressure by increasing the efficiency of your cardiovascular system. Simply including aerobic body movements that increase your heartbeat and breathing rate are called aerobic exercises. Incorporating them in your daily routine is easy. You can choose any moderate physical activity like:

• Walking
• Jogging
• Climbing Stairs
• Playing sports
• Swimming
• Bicycling
• House holds chores like cleaning the floor, gardening etc.

Cardiovascular or Aerobic Exercise

Aim for minimum 30 minutes of aerobic activities each day. If you are too busy to spare 30 minutes at once, break up 30 minutes session into three short 10 minutes session. They will also provide equal benefit.

 Resistance Exercise

All types of strength training, including weight lifting, represent resistance exercise and are good for building muscles and burning calories. Strength training is helpful in lowering blood pressure. They work best in combination with aerobic exercises. Moderate strength training exercise will help you to burn more calories and keep your bones and joints healthy. Most hypertension patients do not need medical clearance for strength training but if you have cardiovascular disease or are concerned about safety, consult your physician before indulging in strength training.

Resistance Exercise

 Isometric Exercise

Isometric exercise is a less known form of exercise, but is very effective in lowering high blood pressure. A special device is used to perform these exercises, which helps to contract a muscle without shortening it. For example, if you hold a tennis ball in your hand and squeeze it, you are performing isometric exercise. Ask your health care provider about isometric exercises. He will explain how to perform these exercises for controlling blood pressure.

Isometric Exercise


Stretching helps to make the muscles more flexible, prevent injury and keeps your joints healthy.



Performing yoga asanas helps to reduce stress. Stress can be major cause of hypertension. Yoga exercises are also good for maintaining physical and mental balance of the body.


Any exercise is not only good for managing hypertension but also for its prevention. Choose any exercise you like and get moving. Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to hypertension.