5 Top Symptoms Of Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C, which is also called ascorbate or L-ascorbic acid, is one of the safest and most effective nutrients. Human beings obtain this important water soluble vitamin from dietary sources alone – as humans unlike other mammals and animals are unable to synthesize it. Vitamin C is essential for numerous health functions which includes protecting and maintaining cell health, maintaining healthy connective tissues and facilitating wound healing. Vitamin C, which is also a powerful antioxidant, helps to reduce the oxidative stress to the body.

The RDA or Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin C is almost 90mg for an adult male and 75 mg for an adult female. Pregnant women require 85mg of Vitamin C while lactating women require almost 120 mg of Vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to numerous health problems including delayed wound healing. Some important symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency are presented in this article.

Symptoms Of Vitamin C Deficiency


Easy and extensive skin bruising is one the top indications of Vitamin C deficiency. A prolonged deficiency of Vitamin C can cause bluish-black bruises to appear throughout the body. Lack of Vitamin C can weaken the tiny blood capillaries which exist just below the skin’s surface.When the blood capillaries become frail, due to Vitamin C deficiency, they start to leach blood into the surrounding tissues. This in turn can cause the extensive emergence of purplish or reddish colored bruises.


Vitamin C not only reduces the risk of infection but it also protects the cells from oxidative stress caused by infections. People who are deficient in this water soluble vitamin are likely to fall ill frequently. A prolonged deficiency of Vitamin C can also weaken the immune system of the body.Medical research has also revealed the fact that people who live in developing countries have a higher risk of suffering from various life threatening diseases due to extreme deficiency of vitamin C. Individuals with Vitamin C deficiency may also take a longer time to recover from serious illnesses.

Gum And Teeth Problems

Vitamin C is vital for maintaining healthy gums and teeth. A prolonged deficiency of vitamin C increases an individual’s chance of suffering from numerous gum diseases.Vitamin C deficiency can cause progressive deterioration of the tissues around the mouth. This in turn can leave the gums swollen and inflamed. Lack of vitamin C reserves in the body is thought to accelerate tooth decay.

Mood Changes

Vitamin C deficiency can even affect your mood. People who are diagnosed with Vitamin C deficiency are twice as likely to suffer from severe mood swings, as compared to people who consume vitamin C rich diet and don’t suffer from Vitamin C deficiency.Individuals with vitamin C deficiency are prone to suffer from negative emotions like irritability, anger and even sadness. Lack of vitamin C can affect the production of neurotransmitters especially norephrine which is essential for maintaining mood.


If you have been complaining of extreme fatigue for the last couple of months or so, chances are that you may be suffering from vitamin C deficiency. The feeling of tiredness or excessive fatigue due to vitamin C deficiency is often accompanied by other allied symptoms including irritability, weakness and sudden weight loss.Debilitating sensation of weakness or excessive fatigue due to vitamin C deficiency can be treated by eating plenty of vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables.

Lakshmi Unny Nair:
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