5 Ways To Increase Hemoglobin Count

5 Ways To Increase Hemoglobin Count

5 Ways To Increase Hemoglobin Count5 Ways To Increase Hemoglobin Count

You get to know your hemoglobin level after blood test. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in your blood cells composed of hematin that carries oxygen to the cells of the body and transports carbon dioxide away from the cells. If your hemoglobin count is low, you can suffer from many diseases because it is an important component for your health. Nutritional deficiencies like deficiency of iron, vitamin C, vitamin B12 and folic acid are common reason for low hemoglobin count.

Remedies For Increasing Hemoglobin Level:

Include Iron-Rich Food In Your Diet

If your hemoglobin count is low, the best way to increase the level is including iron-rich food in your diet.  The best source of iron rich food are meat, liver, beef, shrimp etc. but if you are vegetarian you need to get them from spinach, beetroot, tofu, dry fruits etc. Eggs yolks, dairy products, fruits and legumes are also rich in iron and aids in production of hemoglobin.

Include Iron-Rich Food In Your DietInclude Iron-Rich Food In Your Diet

Include Vitamin C Rich Foods

Foods enriched in vitamin c helps your body to absorb iron from the foods. There are plenty of vitamin c rich foods like, oranges, papaya, kiwi, grapefruits, strawberries, capsicum, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes and spinach that you can consume to boost your hemoglobin levels.

Include Folic Acid Rich Foods

Folic acid a B complex vitamin is required for producing red blood cells. Food sources of folic acid are Brussels sprouts, dried beans, corn, banana, pineapple, broccoli, grapefruit, beets and peanuts.

Eat Whole grains

Many whole grains which are iron enriched like cereals, breads, pasta etc. Incorporating them in your diet will help to increase your hemoglobin.

Herbs To Increase Hemoglobin

Herbs like nettle leaf and dongquai which are rich in iron, vitamin C and B vitamins are quite helpful in increasing hemoglobin level. Adding died herbs like coriander, spearmint, parsley, bay leaf and basil can also increase the absorption of iron

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