5 Ways To Prevent And Treat Diaper Rash At Home

Diaper rash is something that every mother has to face at some point of their infant’s growth. Some mothers are indeed blessed if they don’t have to worry about this. For the infant, diaper rash is a really torture and can be quite frustrating. They are unable to lie properly on their backs and the constant itching and burning sensation makes them grumpy, which also means they are unable to eat or play well.

Here Are 5 Ways To Prevent And Treat Diaper Rash At Home:

But diaper rash is something that doesn’t require chemical or medicinal treatment all the time. There are easy ways for preventing the rash and treating them. One of the first things to ensure is whether there is yeast infection along with rash, if yes then avoid cornstarch or it will make the situation worse. If you are not sure about the same being yeast, stick to these remedies-

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

This is one of the purest forms of coconut oil available and like their olive oil counterparts, they are compressed using methods that ensures the natural goodness of the oil. Basically it has soothing properties that helps in combating and treating the rash immediately. Another benefit of this oil is that it is perfect for warmer and humid climates as it will keep the skin moisturised but not make it very greasy. It is the only oil that contains Lauric acid, which is found in breast milk alone. This helps in preventing further spread of the rashes too. Apply as required on the baby’s skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Any kind of synthetic vinegar is not advised for your little angel. Even when you are applying apple cider vinegar it should be remembered that the ratio of vinegar to water should be 50:50. Else, you will be causing more harm to your angel’s skin than good. Simply apply this mixture using a cotton ball on the affected area and let it dry. The pH balance of the skin is restored with this mixture and the baby gets respite almost immediately.

Oatmeal Bath or Mask

A good idea would be to let your darling soak in an oatmeal bath. For this, take oatmeal paste and mix it to luke warm water. Let your baby sit in the bath for about 10-15 minutes. An oatmeal and yogurt mask is also suggested for children who are able to play or lie down on their tummy (about 3 months up). Apply this mixture on the affected area and let it dry. Then wash off well to ensure that all traces of the mask are gone. Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which helps to reduce burning sensation and prevents further spread of the rash. Oatmeal on the other hand nourishes and moisturises the skin.

Cranberry Juice

This remedy is only suggested for infants who are 6 months and up, as it suggested that the baby should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. Basically the rashes are a result of pH imbalance in the urinal region. When urine overflows from the diaper, it causes irritation and further leads to diaper rash. It is suggested that a couple of ounces of cranberry juice be given to the infant. It has antibacterial property, which also prevents the bacteria from sticking to the affected area. This prevents diaper rash.


Naturally rich in immunity boosting agents, breastmilk can be applied on the rash area. It is a great way to soothe and heal diaper rash the natural way. Basically it is rich in Lauric acid along with other agents, that helps to combat this problem. Apply the milk as required over the affected area. There is no need to wash off the same.

rashmi haralalka:
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