5 Ways To Use Banana Peel To Treat Acne

5 Ways To Use Banana Peel To Treat Acne


Did you ever get embarrassed and irritated with acne? Have you tried various procedures to keep check to acne and ended up in failure? Do not worry. You have come to the right place. Acne is the most common problem. This common problem can be handled very easily with the help of most commonly available ingredient. That is none other than banana peel. It is true. Banana peel plays an effective role in helping you to getting rid of acne. Most of the people don’t know the beauty benefits of banana peel.

Here We Are Sharing With You The Simple Steps To Get Rid Of Acne Very Easily By Using Banana Peel

How Banana Peel Helps To Fight Acne

Banana peel that we throw in waste bin is great for treating acne. It acts as an anti-acne agent and gifts you with wonderful glowing and healthy skin. Banana peel is highly effective in removing scars, dark spots and blemishes on the skin. Regular usage of banana peels treatment gives you a clear and clean skin. Banana peel is a rich source of skin friendly properties like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Thus, it protects the skin from cellular damage. Banana peel is great for reducing inflammation. It tightens the pores of the skin. Also, anti-oxidant properties present in banana peel along with magnesium play a major role in protecting your skin from various kinds of damage. Banana peel helps to keep the skin hydrated.

Steps To Use Banana Peels For Acne

Clean Your Face With Luke Warm Water

Wash your face with luke warm water. Luke warm water helps to remove the dirt accumulated on your face. Use mild soap water for cleaning your face. Pat it dry with a clean towel. Do not apply any moisturizer. Wash your face smoothly.

Gently Massage Your Face With Banana Peel

Take the banana peel. Make sure that the banana peel is yellow. Start rubbing your face gently with banana peel. Massage in a circular motion. Once you start massaging with banana peel, the color of banana peel turns to black as it observes the dirt from the face. Replace the peel as you notice the color change. Continue to massage for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Allow It To Dry

Allow the skin to observe the nutrients and moisturizer from the peel. Do not wash your face immediately. Do not try to remove the remnants of banana peel from the skin. Banana peel helps to wipe out the infection from the skin. If you wash your face immediately, you will not get benefited from banana peel for acne treatment.

Clean With Luke Warm Water

After one hour, wash your face gently with luke warm water. Wash slowly and gently so that you start to notice the smoothness of your skin. Washing your face is just like pampering your face. Hence, do it peacefully without rush. Pat it dry and clean your face with a clean towel.

Follow This Treatment For A Week

Banana peel works great for dealing with acne. Regular usage of banana peel relieves you from the problem. Follow using banana peel anti-acne treatment for a week. You will notice the desired results very quickly. Have you tried using banana peel treatment for getting rid of acne problem? If yes, please share your comments.

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