Jojoba nuts have been around for centuries, and they have found favor with the Native Americans since time immemorial. This indigenous American nut comes from out from the shrubs that grow specifically in the South Western States of America. The wax that is derived out from the nuts was predominantly used as laxative earlier. However, over a time period, it was found that the wax and the oil derived from it were of great use to the skin textures and hair. It had many similarities with sebum- a substance produced by our very own skin glands. As a result, overnight the usage of Jojoba extracts was turned up in a big way as a skin moisturizer. Even today nothing can beat the Jojoba oil for its skin moisturizing tendencies in correlation with other products available in the market. The fact is that the oil has become extremely popular and it has slowly replaced animal fat in many of the cosmetic products we use.
Jojoba oil is fully laden with Vitamin A and Vitamin E. They are also enriched with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents- all of which are very helpful in maintaining the texture of your skin. They also aid in controlling your acne levels and can act as a natural moisturizer for almost all skin types. Apart from this, Jojoba oil is still used as a natural laxative in some countries. Interested in how to use them? Come; Let us take a walk through some of the ways by which Jojoba oil can be utilized for getting that robust ravishing skin.
6 Best Ways To Use Jojoba Oil:
1) Use It As A Day And Night Moisturizer
One of the best benefits of jojoba oil is that is their ability to absorb oil quickly and retain the water levels of the skin. As a result, your skin will appear suppler and softer while at the same time the moisture content in it gets maintained. Massage a few drops of jojoba oil on your face and hands whenever you venture out. You don’t have to use any other moisturizing serum along with this, as jojoba oil would take care of the skin hydration. For a finer moisturizing result, heat up a teaspoon of jojoba oil and massage it on your skin and face before bedtime. The oil will be fully absorbed into your skin undisturbed leaving behind a finer, fuller and softer skin.
2) Use It Against Acnes
Wondering why your new acne fighting cream refuses to fight acne and makes your skin appear perplexed? The reason could be due to the chemicals that are filled to the brim with those serums and creams. The brutal truth is that you are using them regularly with a hope that the acne and pimples would be taken care of. Set them aside and give jojoba oil a shot. Jojoba oil works in many ways to counteract pimples and acne formation. They act as a deep cleansing agent and penetrates deep into the skin to dissolve the sebum deposits. Jojoba oil is also antibacterial. Needless to say, this warrants the control of acne to a great extent and gives a blemish free skin once used regularly.
3) Use It For Chapped lips
If you are averse to use petroleum jelly based lip balm for your dry lips, look no further and try using jojoba oil. The oil is waxy and nonsticky, and they can keep your lips soft and supple. Also, during winter months, dabbing a droplet or two on your lips and rubbing them can protect your lips against the biting cold and the harsh winds. They are also great in locking the natural moisture of your lips and prevents them from escaping. Also, jojoba oil is odorless. Hence you need not have to worry about any of the smell that might emaciate from using this oil.
4) Use It Against Dry Hands And Cracked Feet
Your hands and your feet are the most out worked parts- day in and day out. As a result, they are easily prone to wear and tear and can become dry, dull and cracked. This is also especially true once you age. Apply jojoba oil regularly to your hands and feet to veer out these symptoms. Jojoba oil, due to its solid waxy state acts as a natural barricade against the outside elements and retains the moisture in your feet and hands. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties are also very beneficial in controlling the spread of infection in your cracks and feet. Use them in the night before you go to sleep and for better results warm up the jojoba oil before using them.
5) Use It Against Sunburn
Stepping out in the sun? Is it annoying to put up with all the sunscreen lotions that work one day and refuses to work next? Try jojoba oil for some days. It acts as a natural UV blocker and can be very beneficial in controlling the damage caused by sunburns. The B- Complex vitamins and the waxy layer of the oil act as a protective layer for your skin and regenerate and normalize your skin whenever you step out.
6) Use It As An Exfoliating Agent
While scrubs are the best way to exfoliate the skin and to get rid of dead cells, you might also be wondering on the best scrubbing agent to use. With Jojoba oil, the process becomes efficient and simpler. Use two tablespoons of brown sugar or crushed oatmeal and mix it few drops of jojoba oil to form a thick paste. Massage this gently on your skin and after taking due rest rinse with lukewarm water for the elusive look.