6 Effectual Diets To Control Bladder Problems

6 Effectual Diets To Control Bladder Problems

6 Effectual Diets To Control Bladder Problems6 Effectual Diets To Control Bladder Problems

The bladder which is a portion of a person’s urinary structure has the ability to produce; stock up and transmit the urine in the body. The urea from the blood and distinct toxic essences is eliminated by the kidneys that are accumulated for the final eradication in the bladder. Few people have to experience the infection in the bladder because the population of the bacteria increases tremendously and invades the urinary tract and if not cured on time; they can spread towards the kidneys too.

The bacteria make its way from the rectum or the vagina in the direction of urethra which further makes its entry into the bladder. Mostly women suffer bladder infection owing to their smaller urethra length. But they can certainly refer the doctor for medicines and other remedies if they’re having problem in their bladder. Few specific foods can boost them in lowering the infection from the bladder. Doctors can recommend them for better diets. We’ve brought here 6 effectual diets that can control the bladder problems.

Best Diet To Control Bladder Problems


Cranberries are really productive in reducing the bladder infection as they’re considered as eminent bladder-friendly foods. Berries which comprise of proanthocyanidins have the potential to stop the bacteria from attaching the walls of the bladder.

The possibility of having kidney stones and urine odor too reduces to a great extent. Thus you can prepare fresh cranberry juice and drink 6 to 16 oz. daily. You can also ingest raw cranberries of ½ cup every day. But you’re suggested not to try cranberry juice cocktail or any of its other varieties that contain higher sugar and do not help you at all in preventing the bacteria in the bladder.

Orange Juice

Known to be acidic, orange juice is quite unfavorable to a bladder that is infected. But it has the power to break down and further cure the bladder.

Vitamin C in orange juice can oxidize the urine which restrains the expansion of bacteria inside the bladder. You can make juice of fresh oranges at home and drink one or two glasses daily. Do not drink the orange juice that is added with flavors as they may be less helpful to you.


Water holds higher level of water and it is identified as a diuretic food which aids in eradicating the urine that further helps in removing the bacterial infection from the bladder.

Thus you can eat 2 to 3 servings of watermelon regularly that supports in urinating frequently and take out the germs. You can also intake other diuretic foods like ingesting mixture of cucumbers and celery that prepares high-water salad and also cures infection rapidly.

Collard Greens

Being an essential part of green leafy vegetable group, collard greens have huge quantity of vitamins and nutrients. Make it a point to eat cooked boiled or cooked collard greens once a day daily or on alternative days. This will definitely cure your bladder infection and lessen the itching and burning. Collard greens which have antioxidant phytochemicals will also aid in protecting the bladder against having cancer.

Raw Parsley

Bladder infection will be controlled or can be decreased with the help of raw parsley. Parsley which is a low-acid food can clear the infection quickly by flushing the contaminated germs out via urine.

You can put raw parsley in the salad or add them with the cooked potatoes or fish and eat it daily. You can even make parsley tea and drink it two times a day. You can also add fresh parsley leaves in the boiled water for 5-10 minutes and drink it when it is slightly cooled.


Another diet remedy can be lemon which has the capability to minimize your bladder problem and other symptoms related to it. You can surely prepare a glass of fresh lemon juice and drink it 1 or 2 times per day. The citric acid present in the lemon juice reduces the possibility of bladder infection. Make it a point to drink lemon juice regularly. Hence the patients can implement the above diets and overcome their bladder problems.

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