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Uterine leiomyomata or uterine fibroids or simply fibroids – a common disorder among women of childbearing age – are abnormal (but non cancerous) tissue growths in the uterus. Although surgery is the most common treatment method for fibroids, natural cures are increasingly becoming popular among women.
This is because these natural cures have lesser side effects and effectively deal with the symptoms such as heavy bleeding. Here are some of the best natural cures for fibroids.
Top 6 Herbal Remedies For Fibroids
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root improves bile flow and enhances overall functioning of the liver. A healthy liver degrades excessive estrogen in the body more effectively and hence cures fibroids.
Besides, dandelion root is rich in essential minerals and vitamins. Regular consumption of dandelion root for at least 3 months brings in hormonal balance and stimulates digestion. You can take the capsule or extract form of dandelion root.
Red Clover
This particular herb not only purifies the blood but also detoxifies environmental pollutants. The phytoestrogens in red clover prevent formation of fibroids in the uterus by protecting it from xenohormones.
Besides, red clover contains various minerals and vitamins. Minerals such as magnesium and calcium in this herb promote smooth muscular functioning. Hence it inhibits uterine cramps and aid in development of healthy uterine tissues.
Also known as Chaste tree berry, vitex is a complete fertility herb for women. It regulates menstrual cycle and balances hormones – both being crucial in curing fibroids. Vitex enhances secretion of LH (luteinising hormone) thereby increasing progesterone hormone. It also lengthens the luteal phase and stimulates corpus luteum formation.
Corpus luteum also increases production of progesterone. At the same time, vitex cures common menstrual problems like amenorrhea, irregular menstruation and menstrual pain – all of which are associated symptoms of fibroids.
Milk Thistle
Also known as Holy Thistle, Blessed Thistle and Marian Thistle, this herb promotes liver health and inhibits buildup of excess estrogen in the woman’s body. The active component in milk thistle is silymarin that promotes liver health.
A healthy liver filters toxins and excess hormones from the body. Milk Thistle cleanses the liver and renews liver cells. By enabling the gallbladder and liver to secrete bile, this herb aids in digestion process as a whole.
White Peony Root
This particular herb strikes a balance between the hormone levels in the female body. It reduces estrogen and testosterone levels and increases progesterone levels.
The active agent in white peony root i.e. paeoniflorin calms muscle cramps and alleviates pain caused by uterine fibroids. Painful menstruation, which is common symptom of fibroids, is cured by antispasmodic as well as analgesic properties of this herb.
Dong Quai
This particular herb increases blood circulation and ensures smooth blood flow to the uterus and hence cures fibroids naturally. At the same time, dong quai eliminates excess tissue growths, limits adhesion and scar tissues and cures tissue damage. Since this herb promotes blood circulation, it also corrects menstrual cycle and regularizes it.
Dong quai aids in removing various toxins, dead tissues, diseases tissues and other metabolic waste from the body. It is a perfect natural remedy for not only fibroids but also similar disorders like ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc.