6 Home Remedies For A Yellow Jacket Sting

While many people may mistake the Yellow Jackets for bees, they are actually wasps (family Vespidae). They have the yellow and black striped body color, and sting just like bees. The yellow jackets only sting when they are threatened physically, or when they find their nest being in danger. The sting of the insect causes pain, inflammation, redness, and itching, within the area affected. There may also be allergic reactions to the sting, as around 5% of people are allergic to the wasp sting. These include slurred speech, problems associated with breathing, fainting, vomiting, swelling in the tongue region, and others. These secondary allergic conditions require the attention of a physician, immediately.

The primary conditions associated with the yellow jacket stings, such as inflammation and pain (that occurs after a couple of minutes of fierce burning), can be dealt with, and removed easily. There are a number of home remedies that treat the primary symptoms of a wasp sting. The stinger may be there, stuck in your skin. Remove, or scrap it away, using a blunt and sterilized knife. Never squeeze this insect for pulling it out, as it will secrete more venom into the body this way. Wash the skin area by using water and an antiseptic soap. Once the skin has been cleaned, the home remedies can be adopted.

Here Are 6 Home Remedies For A Yellow Jacket Sting

1. Cold/Ice Compress

The cold/ice compresses are useful in treating a number of conditions, including inflammation, pain, and swelling. The application numbs the nerves, and lowers pain as well. To heal the inflammation, put some ice cubes into a thin cotton cloth, and apply it to the sting area, for a few minutes (until you get uncomfortable). Repeat the process a few times (3 to 5) during the day. Alternatively, you can also put a thin, cotton cloth in clean water (collected by melting refrigerator ice). Wring the cloth, and put it on the affected area of the skin, for 10 to 15 minutes. Follow the remedy 3 times (or more) during the day, and give a gap of 15 to 30 minutes, in-between the applications.[1]

2. Vinegar

Vinegar has acetic acid, a mild acid the controls inflammation and reduces swelling (apart from improving digestion, when consumed orally in a nominal amount). Both apple cider vinegar, and white vinegar, can bring to you relief, when affected by a sting. To reduce the swelling and pain caused by the yellow jacket sting, soak a clean cotton ball in raw vinegar (of any 1 kind). Dab, and hold the ball in the swelled area of the skin, for sound 10 minutes. Repeat the remedy a few times, until the pain subsidizes.[2]

3. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a remedy for many kinds of poisons and venoms, as it absorbs the toxins successfully. To heal the sting inflammation, rub some amount of wet charcoal on a band-aid. Once the band gets darker in color, apply it to the inflamed area of the skin. Replace the band, after each few hours, until the inflammation and pain, reduce substantially. Alternatively, you can also mix the contents of 3 to 5 charcoal capsules into a bowl, and mix some water, so as to make a paste. Apply the paste on the inflamed area of the skin for 2 hours, and later rinse by using lukewarm water. Repeat the remedy, until you get relief.[3]

4. Baking Soda

The venom secreted by the yellow jacket is acidic in nature. Baking soda has an alkaline pH, and can neutralize this acid. The easily available home remedy has anti-inflammatory action, and control pain, swelling, and the resultant pain. To heal the inflammation caused by the sting, make a paste of the baking soda with water (by adding a spoon of soda in water). Now apply the paste on the affected area, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with clean, lukewarm water, after 10 minutes. You can follow the remedy 3 times during a day, at regular intervals.[4]

5. Plantain Leaves

Many different species of the Plantain leaves have been used for ages, for healing the inflammation caused by a bee and yellow jacket stings, by the natives of America. While the anti-bacterial action of the leaves does not allow the infection to spread, the anti-inflammatory action reduces pain and swelling. To heal the sting swelling, extract the juice of a few leaves of Plantain by crushing them. Now, apply the juice to the sting affected area. Let the juice and extracts, dry, and later rinse using lukewarm after, after 10 minutes. Follow the remedy 3 times during the day, for a few days. Many pharmacies also sell the topical ointments containing Plantain extracts. You can apply the ointment directly over the affected area.[5]

6. Ammonia

The alkaline, household Ammonia neutralizes the acids of the yellow jacket venom. Its application will control the burning sensation, and also reduce inflammation and swelling. To heal the skin areas that are adversely affected by the sting, soak a clean cotton ball in ammonia, and dab and hold the ball over the inflamed skin surface for a few minutes. Follow, the remedy a multiple times, until the pain and swelling are gone.[6]


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