6 Ways To Treat Infant Cold At Home

6 Ways To Treat Infant Cold At Home

Infant cold is something that is very irritable for both the child and the mother. Infants cannot be given over the counter medication or remedy for colds, especially vapour rubs or balms. But their little nasal passages do get blocked and clogged very fast. This means that they are absolutely uncomfortable and unable to sleep as a result. What happens in this ordeal is both mother and child become irritable.

For the child, the constant crying and inability to take milk or any food makes the condition worse and can lead to loss of fluids. Thankfully there are many home remedies available to soothe and treat this problem.

Warm Massage With Mustard Oil And Garlic

One of the most tried out and successful remedies for the common cold is to massage the baby gently with some warm mustard and garlic oil. You can make this remedy at home by heating a few cloves of garlic (with peel on) in the gas or the oven. Once it is bearable temperature for your little one, rub the same on the chest, neck and feet. Make sure that you don’t leave the oil for more than 10 minutes on the skin. Then wipe off using a warm, wet towel.

Warm Massage With Mustard Oil And Garlic


Remember that your little one cannot be given the normal steam that adults can take. Such high heat is not tolerable for them and can cause breathing problems. But you can create a natural steam environment for them in the bathroom by running hot water and keeping the door shut. You can add some drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil in the bucket to create some aroma. This helps to loosen up the mucus, which can be then taken out using the hand or a bulb syringe.

Inhaling Steam Or Mist

Nasal Drops

Saline or nasal drops are easily available in the market but you can also make one at home. Take about 1/2 a teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of clear, filtered water. Use this as a nasal drop, but don’t keep it for more than a day. If using store bought nasal drops. A drop or two in each nostril helps in clearing  the nasal passage. Make sure you take out the excessive mucus that comes out.

Nasal Drops


This is one of the best and most natural remedy that a mother can provide to her child. Breastfeeding the child helps in boosting immunity, which in turns helps to heal the common cold much faster. The milk is also one of the rare fluids that a child can keep down or takes during a cold. It is ideally suggested to use nasal drops and then feed the child as the nose is clearer at that time.


Natural Vapour Rub

A natural vapour rub can be made at home using beeswax, essential aroma oils and aloe. Take a few drops of eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender and oregano oil. Then add it some shea butter or beeswax to make a natural rub. Apply on the baby’s chest as needed. Make sure you do a skin test first to ensure that the oils are not in excessive amount.

Natural Vapour Rub


Natural or desi ghee is a great lubricant that helps to clear the worst kinds of blocked nostrils. Just take a small dollop of the ghee and place it near the child’s nostril. As the baby breathes, the ghee is naturally absorb into the nostrils. The lubricant in the ghee helps to clear up the dried and thick mucus, along with providing some nourishment to the dried nostrils, which is also prone to wear and tear. Use homemade ghee or organic ghee instead of the store brought options.

Ayurvedic Ghee