7 Best Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor

The health condition Tinea Versicolor, or Dermatomycosis Furfuracea, is characterized by the white skin eruptions on the abdomen, chest, or other proximal body areas. It is caused by the fungi by the name Malassezia Globosa (more common), and Malassezia Furfur. The symptoms of the fungal infection include fine scales (resembling ash), and the pale, pink, or dark tanned skin. The discolored ugly patches cover the back, trunk, arms, and the neck areas of the body. The skin patches might disappear in the winter, and reappear during the summers.

The humid and warm climates increase the incidences of the infection. Heating incidences, like a warm shower and exercise aggravate the condition. Other causes include a weakened immune system, oily skin, and hormonal changes. The disease is not contagious, and is devoid of pain. Still, it may cause anxiety, and other emotional disturbances. There are certain home remedies that heal the patches. These remedies are easily available.

Here Are 7 Best Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor

1. Indian Lilac

Neem or Indian Lilac has been a part of Ayurvedic medicine for ages. The neem leaf extracts, that possess anti-fungal properties, include nimbin, nimbinin, and nimbidin. The application of neem leaf extract controls the growth of the Tinea Versicolor, and also offers healing benefits. To Heal the infection, boil one handful of the neem tree leaves, in 2 cups (approximately 500 ml) of water, for a time period of 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and cool it sufficiently. Wash the affected areas of the skin, 3 times every day, by using this water. Follow the remedy for a few days, or a week, until you get an ample amount of relief. Alternatively, you can also make a paste of neem leaves, by grinding them and adding some water. Apply the paste on the affected skin areas. Make the remedy once every day, until the scales are over.[1]

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil, also known as the melaleuca oil, is obtained from the tree Melaleuca Alternifolia. While the oil is toxic when taken orally and ingested, it has anti-fungal properties that make it fit for Healing fungal infections, topically. The application of the oil on the skin will prevent the infection from spreading further, and will also remove itchiness.
To Heal the infection Tinea Versicolor, add 5 drops of the oil to 1 spoon of coconut/olive oil. Apply the mixture to the affected skin areas by using a clean cotton ball. Rinse the application after it gets dried. You can make the remedy twice every day, till the symptoms are over. Alternatively, you can also apply a tea tree oil extract containing ointment, on the affected skin areas.[2]

3. Aloe Vera

The fleshy and thick leaves of the Aloe Vera plant have substances that have anti-fungal properties. It has a protein by the name 14kDa that stops the growth of fungi, and other microbes. To Heal the fungal infection and skin discoloration, extract gel from a fresh Aloe Vera leaf, and apply it on the affected areas of the skin. Make the remedy 3 times every day, until you get relief.[3]

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a fast-acting anti-microbial and anti-fungal agent. It has a substance by the name Lauric acid, which has anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties as well. Its application prevents the spread of the fungal infection, while also removing the red scales and itchiness. To remove the symptoms caused by the fungal infection, apply the coconut oil (raw, extra-virgin) to the scaled and affected skin areas. Let it dry. Follow, the remedy 2 or 3 times every day, until you get relief.[4]

5. Yogurt

The bacteria in yogurt secrete certain metabolites that are anti-fungal. It has probiotics that prevent the spread of fungal infection. To Heal the fungal infection, apply plain yogurt on the infected skin areas. Let the application sit for around 30 minutes. Later, rinse using lukewarm water.[5]

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV or Apple Cider Vinegar is a common household remedy for a number of skin, and other infections and health conditions. It controls the growth of the Tinea Versicolor causing microorganisms, and removes the symptoms.
To Heal the skin discoloration and to check the growth, mix ACV and water in a 1:1 proportion. Dab a clean cotton ball into the mixture, and hold it over the skin surface affected by the infection. Wait for a period of 15 minutes, and rinse using lukewarm water. Apart from this topical remedy, you can also consume vinegar by adding 2 spoons of it, in 1 glass of water. Drink the mixture 2 times every day, until the infection is over.[6]

7. Turmeric

Curcumin, found in turmeric, has anti-fungal and anti-microbial action. It is an effective remedy to deal with a number of skin infections. To heal the skin infection, mix sandalwood powder and turmeric powder in a proportion of 1:1, so as to form a paste. Apply the paste on the affected skin areas, and let the application sit or around 30 minutes. Later take a shower to remove the application. Follow the remedy once a day, until the scales are gone.[7]

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