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Obesity can affect anyone whether you are young, child or aged person because it is nothing but an imbalanced equation of energy taken and energy consumed if genetic and other causes are left aloof. Of course, WHO has to declare excess weight gain or obesity as epidemic which itself explains the intensity and spreading out of this disease in the world.
There are a few unwanted and serious medical conditions that can occur to you because of excess weight gain such as cancer, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, heard attack or other cardiac issues; diabetes and many other life-threatening problems for which you will have to manage your lifestyle and food intake.Some of the effective and most recommended diet and lifestyle changes are detailed below that will definitely assist an obese person to manage and cure excess weight gain.
Say No To Emotional Eating
Taking diet for hunger satisfaction is an ideal thing but if you take diet to relieve stress and getting comfort; it will cause weight gain. Emotional eating refers to different conditions when you eat but food is not required. Yes, these conditions include eating while watching TV, feeling bored or lonely and undergoing life stresses.
Take Lots Of Fiber, Vegetables And Fruits
Weight loss is a steady phenomenon for which you should concentrate on lowering calories through foods. Wise selection of food stuffs will always help you in losing extra weight however; you will have to include different types of leafy & green vegetables along with fresh fruits and fibrous stuffs. Whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal and cereal can add to your weight loss regime along with plenty of beans.
Put An Eye On Eating Environment And Schedule
There are many things which affect the schedule of weight loss program because you take food stuffs in an artificially created environment. It is much better to take more calories in the breakfast and lesser in lunch. Simply say no to packaged food rather you should rely on home-cooked food. Also, you should take diet in smaller portions rather than going in a single stride.
Fruitful Lifestyle Changes
Managing the excess weight gain will not only depend on diet intake and diet control rather it will require healthy changes in your lifestyle. Of course, the way you live will affect the body weight thus; make a plan to live with healthy signs. This will include watching TV for a lesser time duration because it consumer less calories as compared to sleeping. On the other hand, you should take plenty of water in place of soda, coffee or alcohol which will definitely help in better metabolism and suppressing untimely hunger.
Exercise And Physical Activities
No one can live without food but it does not mean you will sleep after taking daily meals. Yes, there is always a way to expel out energy so that your body gets prepared for the next eating time. Obese people should try to do more exercises which may include physical activities, swimming and many other aerobic activities can burn your extra calories.
Follow A Strict Dietary Plan
It is often considered better to follow a well-planned diet regime strictly so that you can avoid emotional eating, overeating and swayed away along with your emotions. Such a plan can work wonders to your program of loosing extra weight rather than taking medical pills or OTC drugs. Also, you should emphasize all senses of body while you eat delicious food rather than just activating the taste buds.
Have Patience
When you are on a strict dietary plan, you should never assume or think of shredding weight overnight because it will certainly take time. Plan to lose 1-2 pounds every week rather than losing 10 pounds in 2 days!