Skin tags, also referred to as benign skin growths, are a most common problem in adults. Albeit these tags are not painful, they are unsightly and rather infuriating. Some persons mistakenly call them as moles; however they are in factually not moles at all. One main problem with these skin tags, other than the obvious fact that they are not appealing to look at, is that they can literally become irritated whilst rubbing against skin or clothes, and also can catch on things and in turn can cause pain. For this key reason, most people seek out home remedies for skin growths.
Following Top Home Remedies To Cure Skin Tags:
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a strong antiseptic and it also comprises citric acid which aids to dry out skin growths by effectively decomposing the cells. Take a fresh lemon and apply its juice to clean cotton ball. Apply this directly to your skin tag area and leave it to air dry. Apply this for about 3 times a day and repeat the process till the skin tag fall off.
Potato comes with a great healing power. All that you desire to do is bind a potato to your tagged skin with the aid of a cloth or bandage. Gradually, the skin becomes black and ultimately falls off. It is one among the most effective and easy home remedy to get rid of skin tags.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for skin tags. The acid present in this vinegar aids to break down the excessive cells in the skin growths and naturally eliminates them. Prior the application of the vinegar, soak the skin tag area in lukewarm water. Once when the skin tag becomes soft, you can utilize a cotton ball for soaking vinegar and then apply it on the skin tag.
Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties which aid to enhance skin health and also to dry out the skin tags. Take few fresh garlic cloves and crush it to make a fine paste. Apply this paste directly to your skin growth area. Cover it with the aid of bandage and leave it for an overnight. The next morning, wash it with the lukewarm water.
Banana Peel
Banana peel is yet another amazing remedy to consider in order to get rid of skin tags. Its powerful antioxidant properties aid to treat skin tags. In addition to this, the enzyme that present in the fruit peel will aid dissolve the tags quickly and naturally. Take a small piece of this fruit peel and gently place the inside part of the same over the tag. Wrap a bandage over it and leave it overnight. Next day, remove the peel and also wash off the area with water.
Baking Soda
It is a mild exfoliant and aids in removing skin tags and moles as well. Take sufficient amounts of baking soda and then mix it with some lukewarm water to form a fine paste. Apply it on the skin tag and gently rub it. Do this for several times a day and repeat this until your skin tag dries or falls off.
Onion Juice
The acidic nature of onion juice aids in getting rid of skin tags. Cut an onion into tiny pieces. Add 1 tbsp of salt to it and leave it overnight in an air tight container. The next morning, you need to extract the juice effectively from the salted onion and keep it aside. Prior going to bed, apply the same on your skin tag and cover it with cloth or bandage, the next day clean the area with lukewarm water. Repeat this on a regular basis to get the desired results.