8 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Juice For Your Skin

8 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Juice For Your Skin

The juicy, flavorful and bright yellow colored lemons are the most common citrus fruit used throughout the world for enhancing the taste of various cuisines, for adding taste and flavor to beverages, for soothing sore throat and many other ailments. Lemons are loaded with many nutrients such as vitamin C, antioxidants, pectin, Vitamins, calcium and potassium. This little fruit has so many different uses. It can act as an exfoliate, brighten your skin, treat sunburn, acne, pimples and remove blackheads. Here are 8 best ways to apply lemon on the skin to improve your appearance.


Lemon Juice

Provides Clean And Clear Skin

Lemon juice can lighten the age spots and discoloration caused by scars. Squeeze lemon juice and apply directly on you skin where there is discoloration due to age spot or scars at bed time and let it work whole night; wash it off in the morning. To remove discoloration on multiple areas of your body, take warm bath after adding ½ cup lemon juice. Soak yourself for 15 minutes, then rinse with fresh water to avoid excessive drying of the skin.

Provides Clean And Clear Skin

 Heals Acne

The natural anti-bacterial properties of lemon juice can cure acne and also prevent further breakouts. Apply lemon juice directly to the acne. Leave it on your skin at least for half an hour or if possible overnight. Rinse with cold water in the morning. The antioxidant L-ascorbic acid in lemon juice will kill bacteria and clear acne.

Heals Acne


Lemon juice contains citric acid which when applied to the skin helps to remove the top layer of the dead skin cell by working as a natural exfoliate. Regular use can provide a smooth complexion. Exfoliates

 Brightens The Skin

Why put loads of chemicals on your skin from expensive skin lightening creams when you can easily brighten your skin tone using lemon juice. Besides applying on your facial skin, apply on your elbows, knees and heels to lighten the discolored rough skin in these areas.

Brightens The Skin

 Tones Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, make a solution by mixing 2tbps lemon juice, 2tbps vodka, 1tsp witch hazel and 1tbsp. water. After mixing well, apply this solution on the affected areas of your skin to tone the skin effectively.

Tones Oily Skin

Relives Sunburn

Lemon juice is a perfect remedy for sunburn. Combine lemon juice and water in equal quantities. Apply on the affected area to cool the burn. Lemon juice will act as a disinfectant and will prevent peeling of the skin and blisters from forming.

Relives Sunburn

Moisturizes Your Skin

If your skin is too dry, prepare a face pack using equal quantities of lemon juice, honey and olive oil to moisturize your skin. Leave on skin for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. You will be amazed to find soft glowing skin.

Moisturizes Your Skin

Fights Wrinkles

To get wrinkle free skin, combine 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1tsp honey and few drops of almond oil. Mix well and apply on your face and neck. Wait for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with cool water. Using this treatment 2-3 days a week will help you to get wrinkle free skin.

Fights Wrinkles