8 Power Foods For Old Age People

8 Power Foods For Old Age People

8 Power Foods For Old Age People8 Power Foods For Old Age People

Old age brings along many health problems including insomnia, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, elevated blood pressure levels and increased risk of cardiac problems. Here are 8 power foods for old age that will help you prevent or at least delay the onset of these old age related health issues.

Whole grains

One serving of whole grains a day makes old people 25% less prone to diabetes and cardiac problems compared to those who do not include whole grains in their meal. The dietary fibers in oats and folic acid in whole wheat help rejuvenate the body cells to carry on with a healthy life even during the last years of life. The minerals like magnesium and potassium in brown rice, bran and other cereal help maintain bone health and brain health.

Whole grainsWhole grains


Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which is required to maintain a healthy bone density. Just three ounces of salmon a day can reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and the chances of a cardiac arrest and also the pain of rheumatoid arthritis! Alternatives include cold water fish like tuna, sardines or mackerel. For vegetarians, the alternative is lots of soybeans and a few walnuts and flaxseeds every day. Omega-3 fatty acids is also known to fight prostate cancer and depression!


You can never go wrong with low-fat yogurt, not at any age or season! Yogurt is known to cure and prevent pneumonia, something old people are pretty prone to catching. 100gms or yogurt everyday boosts the immune system to keep cold at bay and also helps in digestion.

Calcium And Vitamin D

Old age needs more than one source of calcium to prevent osteoporosis or the weakening of bones. Have enough skimmed milk, low-fat cheese and egg whites from early old age to avoid the pain of living with brittle bones. For vegans, broccoli, soy milk, apricots and figs are good alternatives. Include a small glass of orange juice or a small serving of unsweetened yogurt to get the required amount of vitamin D so that the body can assimilate most of the calcium it receives.


There seems to be no end to the health benefits of blueberries even beyond cardiac health, cholesterol control and the cancer-fighting antioxidants. Firstly, the flavonoids and carotenoids in blueberries help prevent ocular problems like visual degeneration, cataract and myopia, all of which are common at old age. Secondly, the anthocyanin, selenium and the whole range of vitamins and minerals like zinc in blueberries help maintain good neurological health and prevents brain diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Include just 10 blueberries in your daily diet.


Beans are easy to digest if steamed and they taste great with a lean meat steak. This easily available vegetable can be cooked in easy-to-digest ways to give all the proteins, fibers and antioxidants an old body needs for energy, muscle strength and blood health respectively. Beans are known to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol and even prevents colon cancer! Have beans just thrice a week to go easy on the stomach.


The lycopene in tomatoes fights against free radicals to prevent prostate, lung and stomach cancer. It can even decrease the Prostate-Specific Antigen in people who have already been diagnosed with cancer. The beta-carotene along with the lycopene also help rejuvenate the skin thereby delaying the occurrence of wrinkles on the skin.


Apples are one of the easiest-to-digest fruits and very good for the lungs too. The pectin in apples lowers LDL or bad cholesterol and keeps blood sugar levels under control. Boron present in apples also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and boost brain functions.

So these are the power foods for old age and also, don’t forget to drink enough water if there’s no restriction on liquid intake because water helps keep the aging skin hydrated and flushes out the toxins of medicines.

Rukmani Agrawal Jaiswal:
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