9 Excellent Herbal Remedies For Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is the condition in which bones become brittle and tend to break easily making the person prone to fractures. It normally occurs when the old bones are not replaced by new living bones.

Although both men and women suffer from osteoporosis, women especially after menopause tend to develop this disease more. Since loss of estrogen leads to this disease, HRT is considered to be the most common treatment for this disease. But it poses serious health risks because of which herbal and other alternative treatment options are becoming more popular. Here are some of the best herbal remedies for osteoporosis.

Excellent Herbal Remedies For Osteoporosis


This ancient Greek herb has been used for hair loss and maintaining beautiful nails since ages. Rich in silicon, this particular herb prevents loss of calcium from the bones.

Horsetail tea

It is better taken as tea. Silicon present in horsetail speeds up recovery from fractures.

Black Cohosh

Used by Native Americans and Europeans, this particular herb contains plant-based estrogens that prevent bone loss.

Black Cohosh

However, the phytoestrogen content in this herb may pose other health risks if patients continue to use this herb as a remedy for osteoporosis over a long period of time.

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Herbal Remedies For Osteoporosis

Red Clover

This particular herb is rich in isoflavones, which plays a crucial role in replacing estrogen hormones in women who have lost it due to menopause.

Red Clover

Since menopause is one of the prime causes of osteoporosis in women, red clover is a must-have remedy for such women. Besides, it alleviates many other menopause symptoms.

Dong Quai

This particular herb has been in use in China, Korea and Japan since ancient times as a treatment for disorders of female hormonal system. Since osteoporosis is caused in menopausal women due to lack of estrogen hormone, dong quai acts as a good remedy for the issue.

Dong Quai

Similar to Black cohosh herb, extended use of dong quai herb may also pose other health risks. So, one should consult the physician before including this herb in the treatment regime.

Stinging Nettle

This particular herb contains boron that acts as shield to the bones and prevents it from breaking. Besides, nettle is an excellent natural source of calcium that is crucial for bones’ health.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle, when taken in tea form, provides the body with much-needed protein. A cup of stinging nettle contains as much as 300mg of calcium.



This particular herb is an excellent natural source of calcium that is plant based and easily digestible. Calcium in pigweed strengthens bones and prevent the risk of osteoporosis in old age.


This particular herb contains glycyrrhizin that prevent inflammation and production of prostaglandin and thereby prevent pain similar to that caused by arthritis.


Due to its analgesic properties, it is considered to be a good remedy for pain caused by osteoporosis.


Alfalfa Tea

Rich in vitamin K, this particular herb prevents bone loss caused by deficiency of estrogen hormone in the body. You can simply brew alfalfa leaves into tea and sip it several times during the day as part of the treatment plan.



This particular herb has an age-old reputation for treating arthritis and maintaining bone health. Parsley contains boron and flouride that prevent thinning of bones and the subsequent onset of osteoporosis.