9 Top Home Remedies For Muscle Strain


9 Top Home Remedies For Muscle Strain

Muscular strain or pulled muscle is an injury. Muscle strain happens when the ligament tissue, which connects more than two bones get injured. It’s not a serious problem until its pain disturbing your daily routine activity. Muscular strain occur due to various causes such as accidental injury, exercise, less blood flow, lack of calcium, magnesium, minerals and potassium and also dehydration. Muscle strain is source of swelling, stiffness and unbearable pain and soreness. Irrespective of age and gender this muscle strain may happen to anyone. In order to prevent and cure muscle strain without going to hospital here there are some remedies which can easily available at home.

Here Are The List Of Home Remedies For Muscle Strain:

Ice Pack

The fastest and easiest method to heal a muscle strain is applying ice pack on affected area. This coldness can useful reduce blood circulation to the affected area and also constrict the blood vessels. This remedy can aid to stop swelling and inflammation as well as soreness.

Ice Pack
Elastic Bandage

By using the help of elastic bandage you can speed up the curing process of a pulled muscle. This can help to decrease the amount of stress on the muscle, which can turn swelling to stop .Buy elastic from shop and Wrap the bandage around the affected muscle.

Elastic Bandage
Warm Compress

To get relief from pulled muscle this remedy is very much useful which can decrease muscle spasms and stiffness in ligament and tendon. Take towel and soak into hot water, after that squeeze out the excess water and put this warm on affected area for 10-20 minutes. Repeat this method 5 or 6 times per day or otherwise you can take a warm shower.

Warm Compress
Epsom Salt

This is an effective easy for muscle pain and ache. Epsom Salt contains magnesium and sulphate which can be act as relief agent for muscle strain. This pulls out the excess fluid at the tissues and reduces the pain and swelling. Add two cup of salt to warm bath water and then soak affected area, dry affected part after that wrap with bandage.

Epsom Salt
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider Vinegar also helps in treatment of pulled muscle and muscle cramp. The properties of this vinegar such as anti-inflammatory and alkalizing of apple aid to decrease inflammation and pain. Add two cup of vinegar at bath water and soak affected part half an hour daily. You can drink glass of water-vinegar mixture daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Back Strap Molasses

This remedy can be a best source of potassium and calcium. These nutrients are very essential for muscle strong bones, muscles and joint. This can also contain iron that is requiring for metabolism and energy. Drinking the Mixture of one-fourth cup apple vinegar, one half cup black molasses, one tea-spoon ginger, honey and water can help to treatment of the muscle strain.

Back Strap Molasses
Clove Oil

This particular remedy is more useful in prevention of muscle strain, because clove oil has powerful aesthetic property and anti- inflammatory property .It may aid to reduce pain and swelling. Warm up Two tea-spoon of clove oil and cool it and apply this oil and gently massage the affected part. Repeat this process twice a day.

Clove Oil
Garlic Paste

This method is effective for strained muscle. Because of properties like anti-inflammatory and analgesic help to resolve pain. On low flame, heat 10 garlic cloves in 2 tea-spoon of sesame oil or coconut oil .Then strain cloves keep away and store the oil in a container. You can use this oil for massing the affected area and can take bath after this massage for effective result.

Garlic Paste
Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper consists of capsaicin which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents. When applying this it produces a warming sensation and decreases the pain. Make a mixture of 1 ½ spoon of pepper powder and olive oil and then apply it over the sore muscle.

Cayenne Pepper