9 Top Home Remedies To Cure Sleep Disorders

9 Top Home Remedies To Cure Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders can be a great inconvenience as well as potential threat to overall health. Taking measures to enhance your life by seeking effective sleep disorder treatments is undeniably well worth the effort and time. It is essential to cure these disorders instead of hoping them to cure by themselves. The fact is that the condition will not get better on its own. Thus, you have to take effective measures against it so that you can ultimately get the desired sound sleep for better health.

Oil Massage

As per naturopathic experts, massaging your body can aid you sleep much better. Massaging with either warm mustard oil or coconut oil would enhance blood circulation and relax the nerves which in turn aid you to have a sound sleep. Slightly warm the preferable oil among the aforesaid two and gently rub the warm oil on your back, neck, and shoulders. Massage the body parts in the circular motions for few minutes. Repeat this remedy every day prior going to bed.

Oil Massage
Don’t Eat Big Meal

Try to make your dinnertime former in the evening, and also avoid having rich or heavy foods within 3 hours of bed. Fatty foods might take lots of work for proper digestion and can keep you awake. Also be extra cautious when it comes to either acidic or spicy foods in the late evening, as they might cause heartburn and stomach trouble.

Don’t Eat Big Meal


Persons with sleeping difficulty must eat a little honey prior going to bed. This is because honey has a sedative effect which might aid you to get sleep quickly. Try adding a tbsp of honey to warm milk and drink the same prior you sleep.

Epsom Salt Bath

It is recommended to have Epsom salt bath 1 or 2 hours prior your bedtime to relish sound sleep. Epsom salt contains magnesium salt which aids soothe sore muscles and it also calms the nerves, thus in turn aids you have better sleep for sure.

Epsom Salt Bath
Warm Milk

To enjoy a sound sleep, it is best you drink a glass of lukewarm milk as it has a soothing and relaxing effect on mind and body. Milk is a great source of calcium, that aids regulate melatonin formation. Melatonin is a hormone which regulates sleep. Add a quarter spoon of cinnamon powder and a little honey to a cup of warm milk and drink it at least one hour prior going to bed.

Warm Milk

Bananas are regarded as a natural sleep aid as they contain an amino acid termed as tryptophan which aids raise serotonin levels. It is a sort of hormone which aids control sleep patterns. In addition to this, bananas contain potassium, natural muscle relaxants, and magnesium these can aid in promoting sleep.  Eat a banana one hour prior you go to bed every night.


These contain magnesium which promotes both muscle relaxation and sleep. They even contain tryptophan which aids raise serotonin levels, and this in turn regulates sleep pattern. These nuts also have the added advantage of supplying essential proteins which can aid maintain a constant blood sugar level whilst sleeping. Chew few dry roasted almonds before your bedtime.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can cause sleep difficulties in various ways. Nicotine is a crucial stimulant which disrupts the sleep, plus typically smokers experience the withdrawal of nicotine as and when the night progresses, thus making it very hard to sleep.

Quit Smoking

Doing regular exercise can be beneficial to aid you get better sleep. Exercise daily to get your heart pumping. Remember, not to exercise within 3 or 2 hours of going to sleep. This is one of the effective remedy to consider.
