12 Home Remedies For Insect Bite


Insect bites and sting from bees, wasp, spider and hornets are usually itchy, painful and annoying. There can be redness and swelling also. Bites caused by fleas, mosquitoes and mites cause itching and pain.

Insect Bite

Most bites and stings can be treated at home without visiting the doctor, using several household items which are very effective in addressing pain, swelling and itchiness, preventing infection and providing instant relief.

However, insect bites and stings can cause allergic reaction in some people. The allergic reaction can be severe and life-threatening also. Seek emergency medical help if someone with insect bite has chest pain, difficulty in breathing, face or mouth swelling and difficulty in swallowing.

First Aid

On being stung or bitten by bees, wasp or any other insects, first thing you should do is remove the sting as soon as possible with your finer nail or sharp edge of credit card without making much movement; Movement may increase the spread of venom in your bloodstream. Avoid using tweezers as it can squeeze the venom sac and can allow release of more venom into the blood stream. After removing the sting, wash the area with soap and water. To slow the spread of venom, lower your arm or leg where you have been stung.

Top Home Remedies For Insect Bite


Apply ice on the affected area to get relief from pain, swelling and itchiness. Ice pack will numb the area and bring immediate relief. Wrap some ice in a wash cloth and apply on the affected area for 10-15 minutes.

Swelling and itchiness will be gone. If no ice is available, holding the affected area under cool running water may also bring relief.

Ice Cubes


Dabbing some toothpaste on the affected area using a cotton swab can bring relief from itchiness of insect bites instantly, particularly mosquito and bug bites. For faster relief, try using peppermint tooth paste which contains anti-inflammatory properties and ingredients like menthol and baking soda, which bring a soothing effect. Gel based toothpaste will not bring relief so avoid using such toothpastes.


Baking Soda

Baking soda, which is an easily available ingredient in our kitchens, is a very effective remedy for insect bite. Make a paste of 1 teaspoon baking soda mixed with water. With the help of a cloth, rub the solution on the affected area. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. You will get relief from pain and itchiness. Baking soda can also be applied on stings and bites mixed with apple cider vinegar or witch hazel.

They have been found quite effective for the treatment of insect bites. If insect bite has caused an allergic reaction, use 1 teaspoon baking soda with formic acid added to it. The application will prove effective in releasing the sting. To address the itchiness of flea bite, use baking soda mixed with water to find relief.

Baking Soda


Fruits, which are commonly available in our household, have been found effective for treating insect bites. Rubbing lemon or lime slice or inside of a banana peel can bring instant relief from itchiness of insect bites. Lemon has anti-inflammatory or anti-itchiness properties. Applying lemon juice will be highly beneficial to avoid getting infected.

Adding crushed basil leaves to the juice will bring additional benefits. Papaya is also a very effective for healing insect bites. Papaya contains medicinal enzymes that help to neutralize the poison content and reduce the stinging effect. The application of lemon juice mixed with apple cider vinegar with help of cotton ball can also bring relief.


Garlic And Onion

To counter and heal the poisonous sting of wasp or bees, rub an onion slice on the affected area. The enzyme contained in onion will help to heal the bite very fast. Similarly, rubbing a clove of garlic can help to treat insect bites effectively.

Onion And Garlic2


Rubbing a bar soap on the affected portion can bring relief from bug bite pain and itchiness instantly. Wet the area and run a dry bar soap over it.


Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for centuries to treat insect bites. Lavender oil, tea tree oil and witch hazel are good remedies for insect bite. Apply lavender oil after mixing equal quantity of vegetable oil on the affected area to get relief from itching.

Tea tree oil, due to its antiseptic properties, is effective in providing relief from insect bites. Applying tea tree oil on mosquito bite or bug bites will bring instant relief from itching. If you have sensitive skin, apply tea tree oil mixed with any vegetable oil to avoid skin irritation.

Essential Oils


Another good remedy for insect bite is rubbing some ordinary table salt on the bitten or stung area. Wet the area and rub some salt on it. Alternatively, make a paste using salt and water and apply. It can cause burning sensation initially, but soon it will bring a soothing relief from itchiness.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great remedy for insect bite due to its natural anti-septic properties. You can extract juice from an aloe Vera leaf or use over-the-counter aloe Vera gels on bites for getting relief from itchiness, pain and swelling.

aloe Vera Gel


Aspirin is another effective remedy for insect bites. Take an aspirin tablet. Grind it and add little water on the grinded aspirin powder to make a paste. Wash the area with water and apply the paste over the spot. Leave the paste for 10-15 minutes. It will bring relief from itchiness, swelling and redness.



Rub alcohol or any other liquid like mouthwash that contains alcohol on the infected area. It will disinfect the area and bring relief from itching.



Cornstarch is another effective remedy for insect bite and stings. After washing and drying the area that has been beaten, apply corn starch making paste adding water.

Allow the paste to dry so that it can draw the poison out of the skin. This paste will also bring relief from itching. You can use vinegar instead of water for making the paste to reduce swelling. If swelling, irritation and redness persist, you must seek medical advice.